
  1. 去年九月,奥巴马公布法案时,独立经济分析师预测,该法案可以提供190万个工作岗位,并带动GDP增长两个百分点。

    When Obama unveiled the bill last September , independent economic analysts predicted it could supply up to 1.9 million jobs and add two points to the GDP .

  2. 中金公司(ChinaInternationalCapitalCorp)宏观经济分析师刘鎏表示:年初至今外汇流入为负,我们认为,当前制约货币政策有效放松的关键因素是存款准备金率仍处于高位,从而压低了货币乘数。

    From the start of this year , capital inflows have been negative . We believe the key factor now restricting effective monetary easing is that the required reserve ratio remains at a high level , said Liu Liu , macroeconomic analyst at China International Capital Corp.

  3. 过去10年,中国对大宗商品的需求出现激增,其推动因素是住房建设热潮和基建投资热潮,瑞信(CreditSuisse)亚洲区(不含日本)首席经济分析师陶冬表示。

    China had a massive surge in its demand for commodities over the past decade , fuelled by its housing boom and infrastructure investment boom , says Dong Tao , head of non-Japan Asia economics at Credit Suisse .

  4. 白宫经济分析师艾伦·克鲁格表示因为人们对于经济的态度,这是一种积极的迹象。

    The White House economic analyst Iren Cruger says that a positive sign as people 's attitude toward economy .

  5. 花旗集团的经济分析师陈明高(音译)说,去年下半年,出口增长从28%稍微往下降。

    That export growth was down only slightly from the28 percent rate of the second half of last year , said Citigroup economist Minggao Shen .

  6. 政治领导人和经济分析师们正在觉醒,他们开始回应公共卫生界呐喊了几十年却未得到回响的一些观点。

    Political leaders and economic analysts are waking up , beginning to voice some views that public health has been shouting , to deaf ears , for decades .

  7. 一位名叫森永拓郎的经济分析师在讨论中提出了这一颇具争议性的提议:“如果我们对帅哥征收‘英俊税’,就能纠正约会中的那点不公平,从而让其貌不扬的男子能够更容易找到对象,结婚人数也会上升。”

    Takuro Morinaga , an economic analyst , weighed in with this controversial proposal : " If we levied a ' handsome tax ' on good-looking guys , that would serve to correct a little bit of the unfairness in dating , making it easier for homely guys to find a partner and the number of marriages would increase . "

  8. 正是这种特性让它们成为先行指标,这是多数经济周期分析师得出的结论。

    It is this property that makes them a leading indicator , which is the conclusion of most business cycle analysts .

  9. 卢比尼全球经济咨询公司分析师协助研究和撰写了这篇文章。

    Analysts at Roubini Global Economics assisted in the research and writing of this piece .

  10. 许多研究中国经济的顶级分析师曾预测,今年1月中国央行会下调银行存款准备金率,从而放松货币政策。

    Many of the top analysts who cover the Chinese economy predicted that the central bank would loosen policy by cutting banks ' required reserves in January .

  11. 意料之中尽管IHSMarkit的英国经济数据低于大多数分析师的期待,它对更广泛的欧元区经济状况判断却较为乐观。

    While IHS Markit 's reading on the UK economy was worse than most analysts expected , its verdict on the wider eurozone economy was more cheery .

  12. 这一坦率得不寻常的警告见报之际,适逢中国今日将公布第三季度国内生产总值(GDP)数据。预计相关数据将证实中国经济快速复苏,分析师们预测,同比增长率将接近9%。

    Mr Qin 's unusually frank warning comes ahead of the publication today of third quarter gross domestic product figures that are expected to underline the rapid recovery in China 's economy , with analysts forecasting growth of nearly 9 per cent compared to last year .

  13. 由于就业等宏观经济数据不尽人意,表明经济正在放缓,分析师们不断调低对美国企业的收益预期。

    Analysts have been ratcheting back their expectations for the US companies ' earnings growth , as poor macroeconomic data such as job creation showed the economy was slowing .

  14. 这为进行经济课题更高水平的公开辩论提供了先决条件,改善了政府与私人机构经济分析师的关系。

    This has made possible public debates on economic issues at a higher level and has helped improve the government 's ties with analysts in the private sector .

  15. 虽然政策制定者预计全球经济将经历一段崎岖不平的道路才能恢复健康,但美国和欧洲的一连串负面经济数据还是让分析师困扰,并遏止了股市涨势。

    Although policymakers predicted a bumpy rebound in global economic health , the raft of negative data in the US and Europe confounded analysts ' predictions and halted gains in equity markets .