
  1. 伦敦鲸事件对摩根大通(JPMorganChase)的冲击仍未平息。

    The wake of the London whale is still being felt at JPMorgan Chase .

  2. 尽管CEO杰米·戴蒙裁减了人员——或者说没能招募到银行需要的人才,但在去年“伦敦鲸事件”发生之前,董事会给了他创纪录的高额奖金,因为公司的利润创下了新高

    CEO Jamie Dimon lays off staff -- or fails to hire those his bank needs -- and the board , until the London Whale trading disaster last year , paid him record bonuses for record profits .

  3. 摩根大通(JPMorganChase)伦敦鲸丑闻败露后暴露出来的一点是,该行的交易业务,也就是杰米•戴蒙所称的“对冲”,已经变得有多大多重要。

    One of the revelations after the JPMorgan Chase ( JPM ) London whale blow-up was just how big and important trading activities , which Jamie Dimon calls hedging , had become at the bank .

  4. 事实上,当一个月前摩根大通(JPMorganChase)宣布交易巨亏20亿美元,而且损失还在不断扩大的时候,似乎并未对伦敦鲸交易的金融合约CDS究竟是什么做出多少解释。

    Indeed , when JPMorgan Chase ( JPM ) announced its $ 2 billion and counting trading loss a month ago , there seemed to be little explanation of what exactly credit default swaps , the financial contracts the London whale had been trading , were .

  5. 抛开“伦敦鲸”管理的那部分资产,首席投资办公室当季盈利6.3亿美元。

    London whale aside , the CIO took a $ 630 million gain .

  6. 伊克希尔外号“伦敦鲸”,因为他在市场上有着巨大的影响力。

    He was dubbed " the London whale " for his colossal clout in the market .

  7. 上周五,该行公布第二财季业绩报告,计入“伦敦鲸”事件造成的亏损后,竟然正好就是这个数。

    On Friday , JPMorgan reported that it had , whale and all , earned exactly that .

  8. 摩根大通已经说过,惨淡收场的“伦敦鲸”交易就是投资组合对冲,这家公司因此亏损了60亿美元。

    JPMorgan has said the failed London whale trade , which lost the bank $ 6 billion , was a portfolio hedge .

  9. 绰号伦敦鲸的交易员进行的一系列衍生品交易令该行蒙受巨额损失。

    It suffered large losses after a series of derivatives transactions entered by a trader , nicknamed the London Whale , went wrong .

  10. 莱文表示,面对伦敦鲸事件可能带来的损失,摩根大通非但没有据实相告,还在初步报告中误导了公众和监管机构。

    Rather than come clean , Levin said JPMorgan mislead the public and regulators in its initial response to reports about the potential London whale losses .

  11. 的确,正是系统的失灵让伦敦鲸的交易最初逃脱了摩根大通高管的注意,使得损失急剧上升并失去控制。

    Indeed , a failure in these systems was what initially masked the London Whale trades from JPMorgan executives , allowing losses to spiral out of control .

  12. 摩根大通在“伦敦鲸”衍生品交易上亏损62亿美元,以及外界对其风险管理失败的颇有杀伤力的指控,已经让戴蒙名誉扫地。

    The $ 6.2bn losses on the " London whale " derivatives trade and damaging allegations that risk management failed have blotted Mr Dimon 's shiny reputation .

  13. 一个月前,当有关“伦敦鲸”交易员的报道见诸报端,而且这名交易员与摩根大通有关联时,戴蒙竭力否认,称这不是什么大事。

    When news of a " London whale " came to light a month ago , and this trader was linked to JP Morgan , Dimon issued a strenuous denial that this was a big deal .

  14. 戴蒙的薪酬为1870万美元,今年的排名可能会进一步下滑,此前摩根大通今年赠予他的股票奖励大大减少,以反映伦敦鲸交易亏损。

    Mr Dimon , who received $ 18.7m , is likely to drop even further in the 2013 rankings after JPMorgan gave him sharply lower stock awards this year to reflect the London whale trading debacle .

  15. 有报道称,这项让摩根大通陷入麻烦的交易规模可能高达1000亿美元,主要由英国一名外号“伦敦鲸”的交易员操盘。

    Others have reported that the trade that got JPMorgan into trouble , which is mostly attributed to a single trader who is based in the UK and has come to be known as the London whale , could be as large as $ 100 billion .

  16. 这家银行在中国大量雇佣精英和高官子女的可疑做法正在接受调查。因涉嫌伯纳德•麦道夫抵押贷款担保证券丑闻,它不得不支付数十亿美元。此外,操纵电力市场案和“伦敦鲸”事件等更是让它雪上加霜。

    From the fresh investigation into the bank 's questionable recruiting practices in China , targeting the children of the elite and politically powerful , to the billions of dollars it 's had to shell out for its part in other scandals related to Bernie Madoff , mortgage-backed securities , manipulation of electricity markets , and the London Whale ,