
The wake of the London whale is still being felt at JPMorgan Chase .
CEO Jamie Dimon lays off staff -- or fails to hire those his bank needs -- and the board , until the London Whale trading disaster last year , paid him record bonuses for record profits .
One of the revelations after the JPMorgan Chase ( JPM ) London whale blow-up was just how big and important trading activities , which Jamie Dimon calls hedging , had become at the bank .
Indeed , when JPMorgan Chase ( JPM ) announced its $ 2 billion and counting trading loss a month ago , there seemed to be little explanation of what exactly credit default swaps , the financial contracts the London whale had been trading , were .
London whale aside , the CIO took a $ 630 million gain .
He was dubbed " the London whale " for his colossal clout in the market .
On Friday , JPMorgan reported that it had , whale and all , earned exactly that .
JPMorgan has said the failed London whale trade , which lost the bank $ 6 billion , was a portfolio hedge .
It suffered large losses after a series of derivatives transactions entered by a trader , nicknamed the London Whale , went wrong .
Rather than come clean , Levin said JPMorgan mislead the public and regulators in its initial response to reports about the potential London whale losses .
Indeed , a failure in these systems was what initially masked the London Whale trades from JPMorgan executives , allowing losses to spiral out of control .
The $ 6.2bn losses on the " London whale " derivatives trade and damaging allegations that risk management failed have blotted Mr Dimon 's shiny reputation .
When news of a " London whale " came to light a month ago , and this trader was linked to JP Morgan , Dimon issued a strenuous denial that this was a big deal .
Mr Dimon , who received $ 18.7m , is likely to drop even further in the 2013 rankings after JPMorgan gave him sharply lower stock awards this year to reflect the London whale trading debacle .
Others have reported that the trade that got JPMorgan into trouble , which is mostly attributed to a single trader who is based in the UK and has come to be known as the London whale , could be as large as $ 100 billion .
From the fresh investigation into the bank 's questionable recruiting practices in China , targeting the children of the elite and politically powerful , to the billions of dollars it 's had to shell out for its part in other scandals related to Bernie Madoff , mortgage-backed securities , manipulation of electricity markets , and the London Whale ,