
  • 网络London Fields
  1. 马丁·艾米斯的《伦敦场地》(1989)大获成功,这部黑色幽默叙述着欲望,以及暗潮汹涌的底层生活。

    Martin Amis 's " London Fields " ( 1989 ) was a triumph , a black comedy about lust and low-lifes that fizzed with a rare energy .

  2. 自2007年以来,三分之一的伦敦音乐表演场地已经关闭。

    A third of London 's music venues have closed since 2007 .

  3. 大会发言人说:在伦敦市中心的Mayfair场地奥运奖牌和运动服据报道被盗了。

    A Met spokesman said : An Olympic medal and blazer were reported stolen from a venue in Mayfair in central London .

  4. 大会发言人说:“在伦敦市中心的Mayfair场地奥运奖牌和运动服据报道被盗了。”

    A Met spokesman said : " An Olympic medal and blazer were reported stolen from a venue in Mayfair in central London .

  5. 伦敦独特的比赛场地选址范围还将包括新的奥林匹克公园中的那些比赛场地,例如奥运体育馆主馆和水上运动中心。

    London 's unique range of venues will be crowned and complemented by those in the new Olympic Park , including the Olympic Stadium and the Aquatics Centre .