
  • 网络moral theology;Ethikotheologie
  1. 以希伯莱圣经为文本的宗教学说中,伦理神学必然占有一个重要的地位。

    The ethical theology occupies an important situation in the religious theory that based on the Hebrew Bible .

  2. 这里伦理神学中所说的神学是从词源的角度进行定义的神学,而非基督宗教意义上的神学。

    The ethical theology that we talk about is defined according to the origin of the word , while not the definition of the word in Christianity .

  3. 他的宽恕问题研究也是以这种风格进行的,但研究的方式已超出纯语言文字的范围,向解构的伦理牵挂、政治神学关怀加重分量。

    His studies of forgiveness were conducted in this fashion , but the pattern of research went beyond the language , and " weight was added " to " ethical concerns " and " political theological concerns " .

  4. 同时也分析了道教伦理中存在的消极因素,道教伦理的神学性质及神学目的、宿命论及消极悲观的处事态度、功利性及利己性。

    At the same time , Taoism analyzes the negative factors in ethics , and the theological nature of Taoist ethics and theological purpose of fatalism and negative pessimistic attitude , and the selfish .