
  1. 第二部分是分析宋代书院学风的形成,在历史背景下对宋代书院学风的形成、发展体系以及兴起的原因进行了论述和研究。

    Putting it in its historical setting , this part expounds on the formation , development and rise of the Academies of Song Dynasty .

  2. 在这种教育理念的影响下,古代书院普遍形成了内容丰富的德育思想,即修身明理,主要包含修身教育和人伦教育两个方面。

    It was in this kind of edu-cation , under the influence of this ideology , the ancient academy generally formed a variety of moral thoughts . The content of the Academy moral education including cultivation education and human relations education .

  3. 中国古代书院在强调以儒家思想为指导的前提下更是对书院的空间有着很严格的要求,体现出了深刻的传统文化和浓厚的儒家伦理精神。

    Chinese Ancient school has very strict requirements for its place on the guidance of the Confucianism . It shows a profound traditional culture and strong spirit of Confucian ethics .