
  • 网络next hop
  1. 利用BGP虚拟下一跳技术实现IP骨干网流量负载均衡

    Using the BGP Virtual Next Hop to Achieve the Traffic Load Balancing of IP Backbone Network

  2. 探测包由一个记录路出跳数的随机正整数X和若干个层层加密的二元组(下一跳地址,公钥)构成。

    Detection packet is made up of a random positive integer X which record the number of hops and several Next hop address , Public key sets encrypted in each layer .

  3. 多下一跳路由机制下新型QoS解决方案的思考

    Consideration on a Novel QoS Scheme of Multi-Next-Hops Routing Mechanisms

  4. 该算法优先选择满足QOS需求的能量高的节点作为下一跳路由,从而使节点的能量消耗相对均衡,延长了网络的生命周期。

    Delay , etc. The algorithm chooses of the high energy of nodes as the next-hop routing to satisfy the QOS requirements , thus prolong the network lifetime .

  5. 设计了无线P2P文件传输中对失效路由的恢复机制,通过构建松散的聚群集合,实现对下一跳节点突然失效状况的及时发现和迅速反应。

    Designing a novel path failure recovery scheme for wireless files transmission in P2P networks . Loosely-connected groups are organized to realize quick detecting and recovering for failed next-hop nodes .

  6. 每个消息都包含了RIM容器,并且都独立地通过SGSN进行路由和中继找到下一跳。

    Each message carrying the RIM container is routed and relayed independently by the SGSN ( s ) .

  7. 我们将GEAR算法与Q-learning相结合,提出了一种GEAR改进算法,节点根据Q值来选择下一跳转发节点,实现网络负载平衡功能。

    Integrating GEAR algorithm with the Q-learning , we propose a GEAR improved algorithm , based on Q-value of the node select the next hop node to achieve network load balancing .

  8. 该机制采用IP地址的hash值来计算标记值,使用固定长度标记方案,并提前将报文传输路径上下一跳的信息标记到报文中。

    We use the hash of the IP address to calculate the mark value , taking a labeling scheme of fixed-length , and write the label of the next-hop into the packet head .

  9. 当选择下一跳节点时,VAR不仅考虑节点间的相遇概率,同时也考虑节点在未来的相遇时间,从而达到降低消息传输延迟的目的。

    When selecting a relay node , VAR considers not only the encounter probabilities among different nodes , but also the encounter time in future to reduce the mes-sage delivery latency .

  10. 如果查找路由表显示包的目的地不在本地子网,路由器就利用下一跳路由器的MAC地址把包转发给下一跳路由器。

    If the route table lookup shows that the packet is destined for a non-local subnet , the router forwards the packet to the next-hop router using the next-hop router 's MAC address .

  11. 这两种算法都可以设计为在网络中逐跳寻路,本文设计了这两种算法的下一跳选择策略,并扩展支持QoS路由。

    The two algorithms can both be used to find paths in the network hop by hop , and the next hop selection policies are designed , and the two algorithms are expanded to support QoS-constrainted routing .

  12. 网关sink根据节点的位置信息及剩余能量信息,利用Dijkstra算法计算出最佳路径,然后将每个节点的最佳下一跳信息发给相应节点,开始新一轮的数据传送。

    Based on sensor locations and energy consumption , sink nodes computes an optimal path using Dijkstra algorithm , passes next-hop information to each network node , and then starts a new round of data transmission .

  13. 依据区域标记交换体制的特点,研究了一种以带宽为度量标准的分布式QoS路由算法,它根据输出链路可用带宽与带宽请求的关系选择下一跳链路。

    A novel distributed QoS routing algorithm in RCLS networks , the metric of which is bandwidth , is developed . This algorithm features the selection of output link according to the relationship between the bandwidth request and the available bandwidth on output links .

  14. 节点在数据传输时将对下游节点的剩余能量进行对比,动态选取较高剩余能量的下游节点作为其下一跳节点,逐步建立到最近或次近Sink节点的传输路径。

    Then the nodes resolve the next hop by comparing the residual energy of downstream nodes and dynamically select a next hop node that has a higher residual energy , so the transmission path is gradually established to nearest or sub-nearest sink .

  15. 方案使用了索引表和映射表的二级结构存储路由的下一跳信息,大大减小了存储空间,同时对IPv6具有很好的扩展性。

    By using two layer structure of the index table and the map table to storage the next hop information of the routers , it reduces the storage spaces greatly and makes a good generalization to IPv6 . The paper also discusses the problem of routing update of TCAM .

  16. SP根据最优距离确定可行下一跳,未能充分挖掘网络冗余资源;st源于数学中的图论,依据网络拓扑规划路由,未考虑路由属性,所得路由性能不佳。

    SP determines feasible next hops according to the optimal distance , which can not fully exploit the network resources ; st routing may be of poor performance , because st is based on graph theory simply and network property is failed to take into account when planning the routing .

  17. 在MPLS网络体系结构中,入口标记边缘路由器(入口LER)接收、传送未标记包,划分转发等价类(FEC),执行FTN(FEC到下一跳标记转发条目)转发;

    And there is no lack of high flexibility . In the architecture of MPLS networks , ingress LER receives and transmits unlabeled packets , classifying Forwarding Equivalence Class ( FEC ) and executing FTN ( FEC to NHLFE ) forwarder ;

  18. PBF利用了概率路由的思想,根据无线信号的实时传播情况与分组中预定的候选转发节点集,动态选择下一跳节点,减轻了链路丢失对路由协议的影响。

    Exploiting the idea of opportunistic routing , PBF selects the next hop on-the-fly based on both the realtime propagation instance and a predefined list of candidate forwarders , thereby reducing the influence of link loss on the routing protocols .

  19. 同时,算法采用随机选择下一跳机制扩展m-trail,增加了解空间。

    Besides , the algorithm extends the m-trail with a probabilistic model , which randomly selects the next hop , so it successfully increases its solution space .

  20. 在规模为2L的标识符空间上采取折半查找的方法对各维坐标进行划分,并建立相应的下一跳节点集合&指针表,使搜索空间由全网缩减到一个相对较小的指定局部区域。

    In a scale of 2L identifier space , coordinates in each dimension are divided with Binary Search . The nodes which correspond with the divided coordinates compose the next hoop set as a pointer table which cuts down the search scope from whole CAN to a local CAN area .

  21. 本文设计了一个基于发送窗口分配的拥塞控制机制WbCC。WbCC不用检测节点的拥塞与否,它要求上一跳节点只有在下一跳节点具有可用缓存空间时才向其发送数据。

    The author designs a window-based congestion control scheme WbCC , which lets the upstream nodes send packets in only the case that the related down-stream nodes have some available buffer spaces , instead of detecting node congestion .

  22. 支持压缩和多下一跳查找的路由查找方案

    An IP Lookup Scheme Supporting Routing Compaction and Multi Next Hops

  23. 目前,他关注的是自己的下一跳。

    For the moment , he focuses on his next jump .

  24. 多下一跳路由机制下负载均衡算法研究

    Load balancing algorithm under multi next hop routing mechanism

  25. 策略路由是基于报文源地址转发报文至指定的下一跳路由器。

    Relay on the source address , politic route transfer the package to specified backward router .

  26. 对于要有几跳的地址,它显示出最佳的下一跳路由器。

    For addresses that may be several hops away , it shows the best next-hop router .

  27. 邻居集合的创建是网络节点选择下一跳节点时非常关键的一环。

    The creation of the neighbor set is a critical step of selecting the next hop .

  28. 传统单下一跳路由已无法满足日益增长的网络应用的需求。

    Traditional single next-hop routing has been unable to meet the needs of the increasing network applications .

  29. 选择路由时,根据路径上的信息素浓度计算节点被选择作为下一跳的概率。

    The probability of being chosen as next hop is calculated by using the pheromone concentration . 2 .

  30. 在具体的路由过程中,节点根据信任评估值选取高可信度的邻居作为下一跳的转发节点,从而避免虫洞攻击的危害。

    When finding the route , the node will choose the higher trust value neighbor to relay the packet .