
  • 网络address pool;Local Pool;ODAP;NAT address-group
  1. 一种基于转交地址池的层次移动IPv6改进协议

    Improved hierarchical mobile IPv6 protocol based on Care-of address pool

  2. NAT在防火墙中的应用是在内外网交接点设置NAT和IP地址池进行NAT转换。

    For application of NAT in firewall , ANT and IP address pool is set up in the point between Internet and Intranet to translate network address .

  3. API用户可从地址池请求一个特定的地址,或者Neutron可以分配一个可用的IP地址。

    API users can either request a specific address from the pool or Neutron allocates an available IP address .

  4. 实现方式是提供一组受支持的管理程序和可用于私有云的IP地址池。

    This is done by supplying a set of supported hypervisors and a pool of IP addresses that are available for use in the private cloud .

  5. 在为概要文件定义云组时,把一个IP组标为Inuse;在使用环境概要文件时,从与这个IP组相关联的IP地址池选择IP。

    When using an environment profile , it picks from a pool of IP addresses associated with the IP groups you marked as In use when defining the cloud groups for the profile .

  6. 系统具有领先于市场上同类产品的创新之处:主从数据库的热备份和用虚拟地址池实现绑定客户端IP的功能。

    The system has the creative point that leads the internet market , hot database backup between master and slave and binding with customer IP , is described in the article .

  7. 管理员定义这个IP地址池,并且当新虚拟机被创建时,WebSphereCloudBurst将负责为每一个虚拟机分配一个唯一值。

    The administrator defines this pool of IP addresses , and when new virtual machines are created , WebSphere CloudBurst takes care of assigning each a unique value .

  8. 其他的例子有字符串的地址和常量池入口的内部位置。

    Other examples are addresses of strings and the internal locations of constant pool entries .

  9. 这个指定的地址用于代替DHCP服务器的默认地址池。

    The specified address is used instead of defaulting to the DHCP server 's pool of addresses .

  10. 在取消分配该端口后,所有已分配的IP地址都会被释放并返回到地址池。

    After the port has been de-allocated , any allocated IP addresses are released and returned to the address pool .

  11. 一般来说,现在在市场上得到主要应用的DSLAM设备上的IP地址分配策略一般分为以下几种:本地地址池方式,DHCPClientProxy方式,DHCPRelay方式以及DHCPServer方式。

    Generally speaking , the IP allocation strategies in DSLAM often include 4 types : IP Local Pool , DHCP Client Proxy , DHCP Relay and DHCP Server . IP Local Pool is the simplest mode for IP allocating .