
  • 网络Foundation reaction;kPa
  1. 并用非线性有限元软件ADINA分析了中柱、边柱、角柱破坏时,筏板的变形、地基反力和钢筋应力等。

    Trough program of ADINA for finite element analysis , raft distortion , subgrade reaction as well as reinforcement stress is analyzed when destruction of interior , side and comer slab-column connections occurs .

  2. 当采用线性弹性地基反力模型时,无论地基系数是常数,还是随深度按线性、抛物线或其它任意形状变化,桩位移都可表示为第二类Volterra积分方程的解。

    When the linear subgrade reaction model is employed , whether the coefficient of the subgrade reaction is constant or varies linearly or parabolically or arbitrarily with depth , the lateral displacement of the pile can be expressed as the solution of the second kind of Volterra integral equation .

  3. 矸石地基反力的变化规律研究

    Study on Reverse Force Changing Law of Coal Refuse Filled Foundation

  4. 综放开采条件下地基反力的变化规律

    Change law of foundation reverse force under fully mechanized caving condition

  5. 另外,本论文总结了建筑物受采动影响的分布规律,同时列举了影响地基反力分布规律的诸多因素。

    And the paper analyses regularities of distribution of foundation counterforce .

  6. 采动区建筑物地基反力分布规律

    Reacting Force Distribution Law of Building Foundation in Mining Area

  7. 大直径圆形水池内力及地基反力的探讨

    Exploration Into Foundation Pressure and Internal Force of Large Diametre Circular Water Tank

  8. 高层建筑和裙房连体筏板地基反力分布的探讨

    Discussion on Soil Reaction Spread of Whole Foundation for Tall Building with Podium

  9. 基于非线弹性水平地基反力系数的实用群桩分析方法

    Practical analysis of pile groups based on the non-linear elasticity horizontal foundation coefficient

  10. 混凝土折线式基础板地基反力非线性有限元分析

    Analysis of Soil Reaction in Concrete Broken Line Baseplate with Nonlinear Finite Element Method

  11. 桩-筏(梁)基础设计中地基反力的确定方法

    The determination method of reacting force of foundation in pile-raft ( beam ) foundation design

  12. 深基坑支护结构&土非线性共同作用弹性地基反力法

    An elastic subgrade reaction method considering nonlinear interaction between protection-structure and soil for deep excavations

  13. 构造板独立基础地基反力测试

    Testing spread foundation with concrete slab

  14. 统一地基反力系数式的推力桩级数解研究

    Study on General Solution of Laterally Loaded Pile in a United Model of Subgrade Reaction Coefficient

  15. 此解计及5个弹性常数,并能求出地基反力。

    Five elastic constants can be taken into account , and the foundation reaction can be obtained .

  16. 悬臂桩三维土拱效应及嵌固段地基反力研究

    Study on Three-dimensional Soil Arching Effect of Cantilever Piles and Ground Resisting Force Acted on Its Build-in Zone

  17. 最后,通过对梁后土体的分布形式的分析,提出了格构梁地基反力计算模式。

    Finally , based onthe distribution of soil behind beams , putting forward the calculation of subgrade reaction .

  18. 水泥混凝土路面荷载应力有限元分析中地基反力处理方法的改进

    An Improvement on the Method of Treatment of Foundation Reaction in Finite Element Analysis of Load Stresses in Concrete Pavement

  19. 本模型的地基反力分布规律与弹性半无限地基模型有本质上的区别。

    It is worth mentioning that the distribution of reaction forces is essentially different from that of elastic half space model .

  20. 总结出建筑物附加地基反力和附加水平应力的分布变化规律;

    The paper summarized the distribution change law of the additional foundation reversing force and the additional horizontal stress of the buildings .

  21. 文中将地基反力看作板的外载,对变量沿径向采用不等距祥条插值,并用无地基效应的板基本解。

    This paper regards the reaction of foudation as the external load , and adopts the fundamental solution without the effect of foundation .

  22. 最后根据对锚墩位移监测数据的统计,对不同地质条件下的地基反力系数的取值范围进行了探讨,供工程应用中参考。

    Suggestions for span of the coefficient of the subgrade reaction are also presented based on the statistics of the measured anchor pier displacement data .

  23. 通过实测值、计算值的对比分析,发现底板有齿坎时水闸地基反力分布并不均匀,地基反力在两端齿坎下相对集中。

    By comparing and analysing of the observed value and computational results , it is found that the subgrade reacting force is nonuniform and concentrated under the tenons .

  24. 以支护结构-土非线性共同作用的土压力计算模型为基础,提出了非线性共同作用弹性地基反力法;

    Based on the new earth pressure computation model the elastic subgrade reaction method was put forward to consider the nonlinear interaction between the supporting structure and soil .

  25. 以上述土压力计算模型为基础,提出了深基坑支护结构&土非线性共同作用弹性地基反力法的基本原理与计算方法。

    Based on the new earth pressure computation model , the basic principles and calculating methods of the elastic subgrade reaction method considering the protecting structure-soil nonlinear interaction were advanced .

  26. 本文在平面矩形单元和板单元的基础上推导了考虑法向、切向地基反力的弹性厚薄板通用单元,将它应用于本文上部结构、基础和地基的共同作用分析程序中。

    In this article a rectangular element of thick-thin plate on elastic continuum considering both normal and tangential resistance is presented . It can be used in upper structure-foundation-soil interaction analyses .

  27. 将地基反力作为非独立状态变量直接引入到状态方程表达式中,给出横观各向同性地基厚板的变分解。

    The foundation reaction as non-independent state variable is introduced in the expression of state equation , and the variational solutions are presented for transverse isotropic foundation plates with arbitrary thickness .

  28. 测试结果表明,构造底板能承担30%左右的上部载荷,地基反力分配比应根据最不利组合原则选取。

    As a result , concrete slab can take on about 30 % load of upper structure , but we must integrate it with the worst combination principle at the same time .

  29. 对结构设计中需处理好的地基反力与地下水浮力和水压力、结构整体抗浮与局部抗浮、结构布置和构件验算等一系列问题进行了讨论。

    Some problems that must be dealed with in design , such as the whole and local resistance to float , the construction arrangement and the calculation of members , are discussed .

  30. 结果表明:地基反力系数对斜桩承载力影响不大,而土体位移会大幅度降低斜桩的竖向承载能力。

    The result indicates that coefficient of subgrade reaction has little influence on the vertical bearing capacity , but the soil displacement can decrease greatly the vertical bearing capacity of the sloping pile .