
  • 网络underground line
  1. 高压直流架空线路和地下线路分段的组合也常采用。

    Combinations of both overhead and under-ground HVDC line segments frequently occur .

  2. 该隧道是温哥华为2010年冬季奥运会打造的一条完整地下线路。

    The transit line is an integral transportation link for the2010 winter olympics .

  3. 自80年代中期以来,日本政府采取措施用地下线路替代地表的电线杆。

    Since the mid-1980s , the Japanese government has been enacting initiatives to replace existing poles with underground lines .

  4. 在城市轨道交通网络逐渐形成并完善的过程中,新建隧道近距离穿越既有城市轨道交通地下线路工程越来越多。

    During the formation of the network of network transit , it is inevitable that some new built tunnels cross the existing urban rail transit lines .

  5. 但由于在国内尚未用于地下线路的减振,因此在实际应用前有必要对梯形轨道的隧道减振性能进行研究。

    However , ladder track has not been used in the domestic underground metro lines , it is necessary to study its properties in tunnels before the practical application .

  6. 而对于地下线路,车厢内温度则主要受空调系统、隧道内温度及人员密度影响,相对湿度曲线与温度曲线的变化趋势较为一致。

    For the underground lines , temperature inside carriage mainly affected by HVAC system , tunnel temperature and occupant density , and the trend of relative humidity curves and temperature curves are more consistent .

  7. 在轨道交通系统中,地面线路和高架线路对环境的影响主要是以噪声污染为主,而地下线路对周围环境的影响则主要以振动以及二次结构振动引起的噪声为主。

    In the rail transport system , the main impact on groundlines and overhead lines is noise pollution , and the impact on underground lines , mainly is vibration and noise caused by vibration of the secondary structure .

  8. 地下电缆线路还具有维修困难的缺点。

    Underground lines have the further disadvantage of poor accessibility .

  9. 关于地下光缆线路与市郊大树间防护隔距的计算

    About Calculation of Protection Separation between Underground Optic Fiber Cable and Big Tree in City Suburbs

  10. 架空电力线路与地下通信线路互阻抗的计算结果验证了论文方法的正确性和高效性。

    The validity of the method is proved by calculating the mutual impedance between overhead power lines and underground telecommunication lines .

  11. 结合雷击现场的实际,以理论计算方式分析了地下光缆线路与市郊孤立大树间的防雷隔距,包括对穿放在塑料护套中的地下光缆线路耐雷电冲击的防护隔距安排的分析。

    In combination with lightning attack site , the lightning protection distance between underground optical cable and suburban big tree is calculated and analyzed .

  12. 地下电缆线路与变电站联接时还会碰到问题。微波通信站电缆转移阻抗及引入的干扰电压

    Problem is also encountered in connections between underground lines and substations . Experimental Research of Transfer Impedance of Microwave Communication Cable and Interference Voltage When Tower is Struck by Lightning

  13. 根据目前的技术,据估计,在市郊地区地下输电线路的造价平均是架空线路的8.5&1O倍。

    On the basis of present technology , it is estimated that in suburban areas underground lines cost , on the average , about 8.5 - 10 times more than overhead lines .

  14. 多年来,我帮助挖掘了数英里长的隧道,包括英法海底铁路隧道(ChannelTunnelraillink)以及伦敦奥运村(OlympicVillage)地下的输电线路隧道。

    I 've helped dig miles of tunnels over the years , including the Channel Tunnel rail link and a tunnel that carries the electrical power supplies underneath the Olympic Village in London .

  15. 地下交流输电线路的一个主要难题由电缆导线与电缆外皮间持续流动的充电电流所引起。

    A major difficulty of underground AC transmission lines results from a continuous flow of ″ charging current ″ between the conductor and the sheath .

  16. 同时为了满足城市环境美化及供电可靠性的需要,城市配电线路也由原来的架空线路部分或者全部改为地下电力电缆线路。

    Meanwhile , in order to meet the needs of the urban landscaping and power distribution reliability , urban distribution lines have been converted from the original overhead lines into underground power cable lines completely or partly .

  17. 因地道桥构筑于地下或其他线路下,其与周围环境的协调处理更为容易。

    Because it is built beneath the ground or other lines , it is easier to coordinate and manage the relationship between Underpass Bridge and surrounding environment . But different construction methods cause distinct impact on the surroundings .

  18. 与地下或者地面交通线路相比,如果不加处理,高架交通对城市环境景观的影响将会很大。

    Compared with underground or ground line , the influence of urban overhead transport on urban environment and sight would be more serious if it has not been treated with .