
  • 网络local administrative legislation
  1. 论地方行政立法中行政机关与公众的沟通机制

    Liaison Mechanism between Administrative Authority and Public of Local Administrative Legislation

  2. 地方行政立法规范冲突研究

    Research on the Local Administrative Legislation Norms Conflict

  3. 地方行政立法存在的问题及对策

    On Existing Problems and Countermeasures of Locally Administrative Legislation

  4. 第六部分提出了推进公众参与地方行政立法的基本思路。

    Part VI proposes legislation to promote public participation in local administration the basic idea .

  5. 因此,对地方行政立法从立法过程和立法文件进行监督是非常必要的。

    Therefore , it is very necessary to supervise the process and document of local administrative legislation .

  6. 经济一体化与地方行政立法变革&区域行政立法模式前瞻反革命可不可以转变?

    Economic Integration and the Innovation or Local Administrative Legislation ; Is it possible for counter-revolutionaries to change ?

  7. 第二部分阐述了公众参与地方行政立法的理论基础与价值。

    The second part describes the public participation in local administration and value of the theoretical basis of legislation .

  8. 在地方行政立法繁荣发展的同时,行政权力通过立法迅速扩张。

    In the period of prosper and development of local administrative legislation , administrative authority expanded rapidly by legislation .

  9. 第四部分对公众参与地方行政立法的实践状况进行了案例分析。

    The fourth part of public participation in local practice of the executive and legislative status of the case study .

  10. 通过对影响参与因素的分析提出了完善我国公众参与地方行政立法的对策路径。

    Through analysis of factors affecting participation made a perfect place of public participation in the executive and legislative measures path .

  11. 完善公众参与地方行政立法,并非朝夕之事,还需要很长的路要走。

    Improve public participation in local executive and the legislature , not overnight but it also takes a very long way to go .

  12. 湖南省近年来在法治政府建设的地方行政立法上面有较大突破,获得了普遍关注。

    In recent years , the Hunan province government has made great breakthrough in the field of regional administrative legislation which received broad attention .

  13. 本部分主要针对地方行政立法程序的现状,着力挖掘隐藏在这些现象背后的各种影响因素。

    In light of the current situations of local administrative legislation procedures , this part is to find out various swaying factors behind these phenomena .

  14. 座谈会、听证会、公开征求意见等形式的公众参与已经成为我国地方行政立法中的一道风景。

    Seminars , public hearings , public comment and other forms of public participation has become the local executive and the legislature in the landscape .

  15. 主要探讨我国地方行政立法程序的概念、程序设置意义、现行程序的基本内容和程序历史沿革问题。

    It mainly deals with the concept of China 's administrative legislation procedures , the implication for procedure design , basic contents of current procedures and their historical evolution .

  16. 本文一共分为三章,第一章从理论的角度界定了地方行政立法和公众参与的概念和实践中的形式,阐述了公众参与地方行政立法的意义、理论基础和法律渊源。

    In the first chapter , the author defines the concepts of local administration legislation and public involvement and expresses the significance , theory foundation and law origin in it .

  17. 国外在地方行政立法监督方面已为我们提供了多种模式和丰富的经验。但是,必须根据我国的国情,选择适合我国的监督模式。

    Foreign country has provided us many models and abundant experience in the field of supervision of local administrative legislation , but we must choice appropriate ways according to national condition .

  18. 在对公众参与、行政立法、公众参与行政立法等概念做出解释的基础上阐述了公众参与地方行政立法的理论基础和价值意义。

    In public participation , administrative legislation , the concepts of public participation in the executive and legislative basis to explain the public participation in local administration described the theoretical basis and value of legislative significance .

  19. 但公众参与地方行政立法在制度上还很不完善,在实践中仍处于分散的、个案的阶段。目前研究地方行政立法中的公众参与具有非常重要的理论和现实意义。

    Of public participation in local legislative or administrative matters in recent years , the system is far from perfect . In practice , public participation in local decentralized executive and the legislature is still in the case of the stage .

  20. 随着我国区域经济一体化的发展,原有的分片分块、各自为政的分割式的地方行政立法模式已经不能适应区域经济、社会的发展要求,需要构建一种新的地方行政立法模式。

    With the development of regional economic integration , the original patch block , fragmentation of the split-type models can not adapt to the regional economic and social development requirements ; it is need to build a new legislative model of local administration .

  21. 从政府机构设置现状看地方行政组织立法

    A Survey of Local Administrative Institutions Legislation from the Current Setup of Government Apparatus

  22. 加强地方行政组织立法,必须坚持地方性立法统一性、灵活性、实效性和针对性的一系列原则。

    To consolidate local administrative legislation must be on basis of the lexloci principles of unification , flexibility , effectiveness and particularization .

  23. 第一部分从辨析地方立法、行政立法、地方行政立法的含义入手,分析当前我国地方行政立法存在的缺陷与不足,由此提出立法监督的必要性和重要性。

    Analysis of the first part from the local legislative , executive and the legislature , executive and legislative implications of the local start of the local executive and legislative analysis of the current flaws and shortcomings , which made the necessity and importance of legislative oversight .

  24. 包括地方政府需要树立全新的行政立法观念、完善公众参与地方行政立法相关制度、提高公众参与意识和参与能力、拓宽公众参与的方式和渠道等方面。

    Including local government executive and the legislature need to establish a new concept , and improve public participation in relevant local executive and legislative systems , to increase public awareness and participation in capacity , broaden public participation methods and channels and so on .