
  1. 权力监督与制约的制度安排&《关于实行党政领导干部问责的暂行规定》的解读

    Systematic Arrangement of Power Supervision and Restriction & Interpreting Interim Provisions for the Accountability of Party and Government Leading Cadres

  2. 到09年7月,《关于实行党政领导干部问责的暂行规定》的发布标志我国问责制已经步入法制化、制度化的发展轨道。

    To July 2009 , " On the implementation of party and government leaders accountable Interim Provisions " marks that the release of our responsibility-seeking system has already entered the institutionalization of the development track .

  3. 2009年,中央出台了《关于实行党政领导干部问责的暂行规定》,成为加强反腐倡廉法规制度建设、完善领导干部行为规范的重要举措。

    In 2009 , the central government introduced a " party and government leaders accountable for the implementation of the Interim Provisions ", for strengthening anti-corruption laws and regulations , improve the conduct of leading cadres important measure .