
  • 网络Association Model
  1. 给出了一种基于新的组件测试关联模型(CTAM)的组件系统回归测试方法。

    A component system regression testing method based on a new component testing association model ( CTAM ) is proposed .

  2. 数据开采中基于用户需求的关联模型

    The Association Model Based on User 's Requirement in Data Mining

  3. 例子:一个UML到关联模型的转换

    Example : a UML to Relational model transformation

  4. 确定了应用Agent间的工作状态影响关系及多Agent间的交互、协作和通讯;构建了多Agent模糊关联模型;

    Else it ascertained the influence and the communication and the interaction among applied agents , and constructed a multi-agent fuzzy related model .

  5. 电厂应用BOT投资方式的可行性评估及其灰色关联模型

    Feasibility evaluation of BOT investment in power plants and its grey correlational model

  6. 用BP神经网络建立了近红外光谱数据与氨基酸、精氨酸和总氨酸含量间的定量关联模型。

    BP neural network was introduced to model the quantitative correlations between the NIR spectra and the contents of glycine , arginine and total amino acid .

  7. IBM软件开发平台提供完全的需求跟踪&从收集需求到可视化的关联模型,映射每个需求到测试用例。

    The IBM Software Development Platform offers complete requirements tracking & from requirements gathering to visual model association and mapping of each requirement to a test case .

  8. 运用DPS软件和灰色关联模型以及绿色GDP的测算分析了能源消费与环境关系。

    DPS software and the gray relational model and the calculation of green GDP between energy consumption and the environment .

  9. 首次对坝工监测仪器建立了基于GIS的可视化管理系统,研究建立了监测资料数据库和GIS数据库的关联模型。

    It is first time to establish the visual management system of monitoring instruments based on GIS . The relating model between monitoring information database and GIS database is also researched .

  10. 仿真结果表明仿射型T-S模糊关联模型具有较好的逼近效果。随后,研究了非线性自适应翼肋的鲁棒控制问题。

    Simulation results show that the fuzzy model has good approximation performance . Next , the robust control of nonlinear adaptive ribs is studied .

  11. 使用这个模型作为输入,你将能够运行一个MTF任务并产生相关的关联模型。

    Using this model as input , you will be able to run an MTF task and generate the related relational schema .

  12. 我们的前向关联模型表明,尽管人口将增加十亿,乐观设想仍会引起人均国内生产总值(GDP)20%的增加。

    Our forward linkage model suggests that an optimistic scenario would result in a20 % per cent increase in gross domestic product ( GDP ) per capita , despite one billion additional people .

  13. 本文实际上是一个阐明如何为一个具体例子书写规则的循序渐进的指南,而这个具体例子是指从一个UML(统一建模语言)转变为关联模型。

    The core approach of this article is a step-by-step tutorial that illustrates how to write rules for a concrete example : a UML ( Unified Modeling Language ) to Relational model transformation .

  14. 提出通过CAD平台的接口获取子装配体内零件信息及约束关系的方法,建立了产品的子装配关联模型,并用图论中的关联图表征了该模型。

    The method for obtaining the information of connections between parts is presented using the interface of the platform . A relational model of assembly is employed to characterize the information of parts connections based on graph theory .

  15. 分析表明,与一般的基于Volterra级数的非线性扩展关联模型相比,新结构的权数大为减少。

    Comparing with the connectionist model using the Volterra series to extend the input vector space , the number of weights with new structure is reduced significantly .

  16. 第六,从路径、OD对、道路网等不同层次,研究了行程时间可靠性与通行能力可靠性之间的关系,建立了交通需求、服务水平和可靠性之间的关联模型。

    Sixthly , the relation between travel time reliability and capacity reliability was researched from various network hierarchies , involving path , OD pair or the whole network .

  17. 通过综合研究地空导弹阵地选择的战术、技术要求及影响因素,提出了阵地选择的指标体系,进而结合使用Delphi法,建立了地空导弹阵地优选的灰色关联模型。

    Researching on demands of tactics or technology and effect factors of selecting the position , it puts forward an index system , and then sets up the gray correlative optimal selection model combining with Delphi method .

  18. 分析了不同驾驶行为对车辆污染物的排放对环境安全的重要影响,运用BP神经网络模型对驾驶行为环境影响进行评价,并与灰色关联模型评价进行比较,评价结果合理可信。

    Different driving behavior has important effect on exhaust emission of vehicle . This paper makes an evaluation of driving behavior influence on environment by BP neural network model . Compared with grey correlation evaluation , the result shows that this method is feasible .

  19. 用径向基函数神经网络(RBF-Network)构建了一个无机二元氢化物酸性强度pKa与结构参数的非线性关联模型。

    A RBF-Network was applied to study the relationships between the pKa of 13 inorganic binary hydride and the structural parameters .

  20. 除了构建医学知识获取与发现系统框架外,讨论了关联模型、Rough信息决策模型等定性数据的定量化挖掘方法以及人工神经网络、模糊聚类分析等定量数据挖掘的技术;

    Besides establishment of the architecture of knowledge acquirement and discovery , we discuss the association rule model and rough information decision model which are the typical techniques of quantitative mining from qualitative data and artificial neural network and fuzzy C-eans cluster which are typical to quantitative data mining .

  21. 构建了基于ISODATA算法的有限记忆关联模型,利用有限步的历史航迹状态数据,有效地解决了目标密集环境下的误关联问题。

    To solve the problem of false association in the presence of multiple targets , historical track data are utilized , and a limited memory association model with ISODATA algorithm is built .

  22. 惰性粒子流化床干燥器中干燥强度的关联模型

    Correlation Formula of Drying Intensity for Inert Particles Fluidized Bed Drier

  23. 应用层行为与网络性能的关联模型研究

    Study on Correlative Model of Application Layer Behavior and Network Performance

  24. 最后进行实证分析,检验研究假设和关联模型。

    At last we make positive analysis to test the hypothesizes .

  25. 供应商竞争力分析及其灰色关联模型

    Analysis of suppliers ' core competence and its grey correlation model

  26. 一种用于网络安全系统的报警聚类与关联模型

    A Model of Alerts Clustering and Association for Network Security Systems

  27. 基于该关联模型,我们提出了两种数据融合的方法。

    Based on this model , two data fusion algorithm are proposed .

  28. 证书认证系统中安全事件关联模型的设计及应用

    Design and Implementation of a Security Event Correlation Model in Certificate Authentication

  29. 论述了全模型及其关联模型的内涵。

    Fundamental to the full model and its association model are discussed .

  30. 灰色关联模型及其在制造工艺评价中的应用

    Weighed Grey Relational Model and Its Application to Manufacturing Technology