
  • 网络relationship conflict;Relational Conflict
  1. 关系冲突不能作为任务冲突和团队绩效的中间变量。

    Relationship conflict is not a intermediate variables of the task conflict and team performance .

  2. 有学者研究表明,发生任务冲突对团队绩效有利、发生关系冲突对团队绩效不利。

    Some scholars have shown that task conflict on team performance occurred beneficial and relationship conflict on team performance occurred adversely .

  3. 但它们对关系冲突均无显著影响。

    But all these had no significant impacts on relational conflict .

  4. 在当下中国组织中,任务冲突、关系冲突同时存在。

    Both task conflicts and relationship conflicts appear in Chinese organizations .

  5. 团队沟通公开性越强,团队中任务冲突越多;关系冲突越少。

    Greater openness leads to more task conflicts and less relationship conflicts .

  6. 团队规模越大,团队中任务冲突越多;关系冲突越多。

    Team size is positive related to task conflicts and relationship conflicts .

  7. 过程冲突越高,关系冲突也就越高;而任务冲突与关系冲突的相关关系不显著。

    The higher is process conflict , the higher is relationship conflict .

  8. 任务冲突与关系冲突具有显著的正相关关系。

    There is a significant relationship between task conflict and relationship conflict .

  9. 家庭关系冲突的法律规制

    Legal Regulations for the Conflict in the Family Relations

  10. 并且任务冲突和关系冲突对共享心智模型均有显著的预测作用。

    But the correlation between task conflict and shared mental model is remarkable positive .

  11. 新时期师生关系冲突便是其例证之一。

    The new time teachers and students relations conflict is one of its illustrations .

  12. 关系冲突、任务冲突分别对交互记忆的可信维度、协调维度产生显著负面影响。

    Relational and task conflicts had negative impacts on credibility and coordination of TMS respectively .

  13. 实证研究认为:关系冲突对交互式记忆系统、团队绩效与团队学习产生直接负面影响。

    Results show that relationship conflicts have negative effects on transactive memory system , team performance and team learning .

  14. 交互式记忆系统在关系冲突对团队绩效与团队学习的影响中起部分中介作用。

    Moreover , transactive memory system partially mediates the effects of relationship conflicts on team performance and team learning .

  15. 在虚拟团队这一特定情境下,信任对任务冲突和关系冲突的调节作用得到证实。

    The moderate effect of trust to the relationship between task and relationship conflict are verified under virtual context .

  16. 说分工产生的关系冲突是引起社会变迁的一种根源,那简直是荒谬。

    Conflict relations engendered by the divison of labour as constituting a source of social change was simply unthinkable .

  17. 民工荒&中小企业劳资关系冲突的症结

    " Peasant Labor Shortage " & the Symptom of the Hostility between Capital and Labor in Medium and Small Enterprises

  18. 在地图综合的过程中,比例尺的变化以及各种综合算子都可能导致目标产生空间关系冲突。

    During map generalization , spatial relation conflicts will be caused by the change of the scale and various generalization operators .

  19. 乡村关系冲突是我国新农村建设中的一个突出问题;

    The conflict in the relationship between town and village is a outstanding issue in our country 's new countryside construction ;

  20. 三类不同性质的团队冲突&任务冲突、关系冲突、过程冲突对团队创造力的影响效果并不一致。

    Three different kinds of team conflict & task conflict , relationship conflict , process conflict have different effects on team creativity .

  21. 企业在具体实践中要注重通过提高任务冲突,降低关系冲突来提高团队绩效。

    In practice , enterprises should pay attention to the task by increasing conflict , reducing relationship conflict to improve team performance .

  22. 团队中任务冲突构成比例高,团队情绪较好;反之,团队中关系冲突构成比例高,团队情绪较差。

    Higher proportional task conflict composition leads to better team emotion , but higher proportional relationship conflict composition leads to worse one .

  23. 一般说来,表现为认知冲突的团队比表现为关系冲突的团队的效能更高。

    Generally , the effectiveness of a team showed with cognitive conflict is greater than that of a team showed with affective conflict .

  24. 任务冲突与关系冲突都会引发组织成员的消极情绪;任务冲突还会引发积极情绪,而关系冲突不会引发积极情绪。

    Task conflicts and relationship conflicts lead to negative emotion , otherwise task conflicts lead to positive emotion , instead of relationship conflicts .

  25. 人类社会发展经历过三种冲突观:传统冲突观、人际关系冲突观和相互作用冲突观。

    The development of human society experienced three kinds of conflict outlooks : the conflict outlooks of tradition , of interpersonal relationship and interaction .

  26. 但关系冲突影响团队产出的中介过程还有待研究。

    However , the mediating processes through which the influence of these conflicts on team outcomes can be measured has received little attention in previous studies .

  27. 后期阶段沟通技术对信任和冲突的影响不显著,技术的变更会造成关系冲突水平的增加,早期绩效会显著影响后期团队内的冲突和信任。

    In the later stage , the impact of technologies to trust and conflict is not significant . The alteration of technologies leads an increase of relationship conflict .

  28. 微观政治学派认为追求更多利益是人们活动存在的基础,也是导致人际关系冲突极为重要的因素。

    Micro - politicians believe that human beings activities relate to the pursuit of more interests , and this is also a primary reason why there are personal conflicts .

  29. 和谐社会是一个利益分化、利益主体多元化的社会,和谐社会的构建实质就是一个利益关系冲突的协调过程。

    Harmonious society is a differentiation of interests , stakeholders pluralistic society and a harmonious society building in essence , an interest of the coordination process of relationship conflict .

  30. 研究中将团队冲突分成关系冲突、任务冲突和过程冲突,探索团队冲突三个维度作为中介变量产生的影响。

    In the study , group conflict is divided into relationship conflict , task conflict and process conflict , and we explore the mediating effects of three group conflicts .