
  • 网络cooperative play;cooperative game
  1. 幼儿之「社会性游戏型态」有旁观行为、平行游戏、联合游戏和合作游戏四种。

    First , children were involved in four social play types , which included onlooker behavior , parallel play , associative play and cooperative play .

  2. 良好的社会技能可以从技能训练中习得,针对被同伴拒绝儿童的社会技能训练可以从培养积极情感的表达、合作游戏、行为训练和认知训练等几个方面展开。

    Some special training such as expressing positive feelings , cooperative play , behavior training and cognitive training can help to improve these children ′ s social skills .

  3. 本作支持三人合作游戏方式,能让你和你的朋友一起来对抗中土大陆的邪恶势力。

    Cooperative gameplay supports up to three players , pitting you and your friends against the dark forces of Middle-earth .

  4. 合作游戏意味着更少时间内杀死更多怪物,也意味着你获得更多战利品掉落的机会。

    Playing co-op means more monsters killed in less time , which means you 're getting more chances at loot drops for time invested .

  5. 本文在前人研究的基础上,系统地探讨这种合作游戏对于大班幼儿同伴关系的影响。

    Based on the research of predecessors , this thesis systematically discusses the influences that the cooperative plays have onthe infants in top classes .

  6. 一种合作的游戏其中一个球被传来传去。

    A cooperative game in which a ball is passed back and forth .

  7. 这是一次全班一起工作合作的游戏!

    This is an exercise about working together and cooperating as a class .

  8. 你后来怎么会和好莱坞合作开发游戏?

    How did you end up working with Hollywood on some of your games ?

  9. 克里斯塔博士设计了一个能够在互联网上供多人参与的合作测试游戏。根据这个游戏,克里斯塔博士和他的团队获得更多的资料,得以了解合作关系的演变规律。

    Dr Christakis arranged for a collaboration-testing game to be played over the web , with many participants . As a result , he and his team have gained a more sophisticated insight into the way co-operation develops .

  10. 腾讯还曾与韩国游戏开发商SmileGate合作,将游戏《穿越火线》(SmileGate)引入了中国市场;它目前也在与韩国的主要移动游戏生产商CJGames合作,将该公司旗下的游戏本地化。

    Tencent has also partnered with Korean developer SmileGate to bring CrossFire to China , and it is working with leading Korean mobile game maker CJ Games to localize its games as well .

  11. 修正了ogr合作模式中游戏计时不正确的问题。

    Fixed incorrect game times in ogr coop .

  12. 我们也跟动画、电影合作,在线游戏的计划也在进行。

    We are also cooperating in animations and movies , and the project on online gaming is also proceeding .

  13. 上月,Ouya宣布与OnLive达成合作,后者的游戏流媒体服务将为Ouya提供游戏。

    Last month Ouya announced a partnership to provide content from the OnLive game streaming service .

  14. Christakis博士安排了一个合作性测试的游戏,这个游戏是在网络上进行的,参与人数众多。

    Dr Christakis arranged for a collaboration-testing game to be played over the web , with many participants .

  15. 电子艺界希望与neowiz合作推出更多在线游戏,同时希望将这种模式带到欧洲。

    EA is looking to launch other online games with neowiz and hopes to bring the model to Europe .

  16. 每个儿童与同一匿名同伴合作完成亲社会游戏、嫉妒游戏和分享游戏。

    Every child play each game with an anonymous partner .

  17. 而此类合作,只是建立游戏产业生态,形成产业发展良性循环的一个案例。

    But this kind of cooperation , only establishes the game industry ecology , forms industrial the development positive cycle a case .

  18. 世界最大的手机生产商诺基亚已经开始与一些电子游戏开发商合作生产可以玩游戏的手机。

    Nokia , the world 's largest cell phone maker , has already cooperated with some video game developers to produce videogame-capable mobile phone .

  19. 有时候,玩有时间思考和制定战略或者目标是与他人合作取得胜利的游戏更加吸引人。

    Sometimes , it 's more interesting to play games where you have time to think and strategize or where the goal is to cooperate with each other to win the game .

  20. 试验发现,在可以选择合作或者不合作的游戏中,给予较多催产素的参与人员要比使用较少催产素的参与人员更相信他们的游戏伙伴。

    Experiments have found that , in games in which you can choose to cooperate or not , people who are given more oxytocin trust their fellow players more .

  21. 与ISP(如AOL或MSN)或大型门户网站(如Yahoo)合作经营,合作者作为联网游戏的聚合站,通过他们的顾客群提供了广泛的展示。

    Partnership with an ISP such as AOL or MSN , or a major portal such as Yahoo !, where the partner acts as an aggregator for online games , and offers wide exposure through their customer base .