
  • 网络Reasonable Doubt;reasonable suspicion;beyond reasonable doubt
  1. 而在今年6月,最高法院推翻了亚利桑那州SB1070法律的一部分,但仍然维持更具争议的警官们“合理怀疑”检查他们拘留人员的移民身份这项条款。

    In June , the Supreme Court struck down parts of the Arizona law SB 1070 , but upheld a more controversial requirement that officers with " reasonable suspicion " check the immigration status of people they detain .

  2. 在今年早些时候的审判中,纽约法官称纽约市警察局是基于合理怀疑实施的拦截政策。

    At a trial earlier this year , city lawyers argued that the NYPD make stops based on reasonable suspicion .

  3. 本章结论:以不能合理怀疑作为确证标准的主体间知识论是合理的,也是可能的。

    The conclusion is : A inter-subjectivity epistemology is reasonable .

  4. 除了合理怀疑之外,证明其犯罪意图仍十分困难。

    Proving intent , beyond reasonable doubt , remains tough .

  5. 再加上“合理怀疑”之类的,行了,查克

    and reasonable-doubt type stuff ? Come on , Chuck .

  6. 怀疑逻辑是关于人们合理怀疑的逻辑。

    Doubting logic is a logic that studies how people doubt something rationally .

  7. 行政强制执行应当采用排除合理怀疑证明标准。

    Administrative compulsory execute action adopt " proof beyond a reasonable doubt " .

  8. 英美法系国家刑事证明标准是排除合理怀疑,大陆法系国家则表述为内心确信。

    In common law system the criminal proof should be beyond reasonable doubt .

  9. 合理怀疑方法的探析

    Exploring the Construction of Rational Method of Doubt

  10. 那种相信就是合理怀疑。

    That belief , that is reasonable doubt .

  11. 因此,军事需要的争辩就必须同时承担合理怀疑的拷问。

    For that reason , the military-security argument must be approached with a healthy skepticism .

  12. 大多数与刑事责任有关的问题都须建构在已排除合理怀疑的事实之上。

    Most issues relevant to criminal liability have to be established by the State beyond a reasonable doubt .

  13. 在死刑案件的量刑证明标准问题上,同样适用排除合理怀疑的证明标准。

    In the aspect of sentencing , the standard of proof of ' beyond reasonable doubt ' is also applicable .

  14. 18世纪末,在英美司法实践中就已开始适用排除合理怀疑标准。

    At the end of 1900s , the proof standard of " beyond reasonable doubt " was adopted in the judicial practice .

  15. 我是一个富有的英国公民,有固定住所,常住英国,但我对夫妻关系长久性有一些合理怀疑。

    I am a wealthy UK citizen , domicile and resident , but with a healthy cynicism for the longevity of relationships .

  16. 程序公正可以从审判的外观上消除当事人及公众对审判结果的公正性的合理怀疑。

    The procedure justice can clear up suspicion from the outward appearance of trial , and can make decision basing on dialogue .

  17. 当然,只是在“合理怀疑”此人非法在美国逗留的情况下。该法律禁止警察因民族和种族特征拘留任何人。

    That is only if the police have " The law bars police from detaining anyone based on ethnic or racial appearance .

  18. 而辩方希望藉此提出合理怀疑,动摇控方立场。

    Whereas the defending party hopes to raise rational doubt by taking the opportunity to stir the standpoint of the accusing party .

  19. 在1970年,联邦最高法院更是将排除合理怀疑标准的作用上升到宪法所保护的正当程序的高度。

    In 1970 , the supreme court emphasized the standard of " beyond reasonable doubt " as a due procedure in the constitution .

  20. 由于排除合理怀疑是一个有弹性和具备层次性的概念,死刑案件的量刑证明标准也应趋近其上限。

    Due the flexibility of ' beyond reasonable doubt ', the standard of proof in sentencing in capital cases is approaching its ceiling .

  21. 我出示证据,然后你们到陪审团室,等你们回到这里,你们就有了一个合理怀疑的清晰决定。

    I present the evidence then you can go to the jury room , when you come back with a clear decision with reasonable doubt .

  22. 她说,国家显然没有排除合理怀疑来证明被告犯了故意杀人罪,没有足够的事实。

    The state clearly has not proved beyond reasonable doubt that the accused is guilty of premeditated murder , she said . There are not enough facts .

  23. 但是,随着社会的发展,司法实践对排除合理怀疑标准涵义的理解也在变化。

    However , with the development of the society , the understanding of the judicial practice changed as to the standard meaning of " beyond reasonable doubt " .

  24. 这种证明要求可以表述为追求法律真实,而证明标准则可以理解为侦查人员排除自己内心的一切合理怀疑。

    Testifying demand can be expressed as the looking for the juristic reality , testifying standard can be comprehended that the scout eliminate all logical suspicion in his heart .

  25. 对排除合理怀疑证明标准的运作起影响作用的因素包括证伪方法、验法则和心理因素。

    The factors which making the standard of proof & beyond the reasonable doubt run well comprise falsification method , the principle of experience and the elements of psychology .

  26. 同时明确被告人承担证明责任的标准要明显低于控方,提出使法官对有罪认定产生合理怀疑和优势证明标准。

    Then to clarify the standard of the defendants ' lower than the prosecutors ', and the judges use the reasonable doubt and preponderance proof to make defendant guilty .

  27. 该立法允许甚至鼓励亚利桑那州当地执法官员在合理怀疑的情况下检查任何一个人的移民状况,但是这在全国是非法的。

    That legislation allows even encourages local law enforcement officers in Arizona to check the immigration status of anyone they have a reasonable suspicion is in the country illegally .

  28. 在英国,所有的刑事审判都在法院公开进行。因为刑法认为,在消除合理怀疑证明被告有罪之前,他是无辜的。

    In Britain all criminal trial are held in open count because the criminal law presumes the innocence of the accused until he has been proved guilty beyond reasonable doubt .

  29. 西方主要国家一般都根据案件性质的不同设置了盖然性占优势、高度盖然性及排除合理怀疑等多元的证明标准。

    Major western countries have laid down , according to the nature of lawsuits , a multi-factor testimony standard that covers probability advantage , high probability and elimination of reasonable suspicion .

  30. 第七、如果大陪审团指控某人犯罪,则此人有权获得由陪审团审判的快速审判权,在这中间须由有关州来证明该案件超出了合理怀疑。

    If the Grand Jury indicts the individual , the individual has the right to a speedy trial by jury where the state would have to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt .