
  1. 河南中德合作造林项目可行性研究的特点和启示

    Characteristics on Feasibility Study of Sino-German Cooperative Forestry Project Henan

  2. 农村妇女在国际合作造林项目中的参与及作用研究

    A Study on Rural Women 's Participation and Role in International Cooperation Afforestation Projects

  3. 中德合作造林项目财务管理机制的借鉴与创新

    The Innovation and Reference of Finance Management Mechanism on Cooperative Afforestation Project between Germany and China

  4. 最后得出社会网络在中德财政合作造林项目中发挥了重要作用;

    At last , it is concluded that the social network has played an important role in the Sino-German afforestation projects ;

  5. 中德合作造林项目以其科学的组织、严格的管理、扎实的施工成为当地人工造林的示范工程。

    The cooperative afforestation project between Germany and China has become a demonstration of artificial afforestation for its scientific organization , severe management and well-knit construction .

  6. 本文以机制为切入点,对中德财政合作造林项目营造林机制进行了探讨,对其进行了社会学分析。

    Taking " mechanism " as the cut-in spot , this paper explores the forest establishment mechanisms used in the Sino-German afforestation projects and analyses sociological factors .

  7. 中德财政合作造林项目充分利用了社会网络发展生态造林,带动了项目区科技文化知识的提高;

    The Sino-German afforestation projects have made full use of the social network to develop ecological afforestation and promoted the science , technology and culture development in the project areas ;

  8. 中德合作林业项目造林监测的特点和启示

    Characteristics and Enlightenment on Afforestation Monitoring of Sino-German Cooperative Forestry Project

  9. 中德合作滇渝造林管理系统的研究与应用

    Research and Application on the Sino-German Joint Afforestation Management System in Chongqing and Yunnan

  10. 中德合作云南省造林项目前期评估报告

    Evaluation of the earlier stage for the China-German cooperative plantation project in Yunnan Province

  11. 近自然森林经营在中德合作云南二期造林项目中的实践

    Practice of Approach to Nature Forest Management in Sino-German Afforestation Project Yunnan II

  12. 与当地政府继续保持合作,共同探索造林和造纸业的有效的、可持续性发展的方法

    Continuous co-operation with local Governments to jointly develop sustainable and viable approach for both plantations and industry

  13. 项目监测在中德财政合作辽宁朝阳生态造林项目执行中起着非常重要的作用。

    The project monitoring and evaluation plays a very important role in the implementation of the Sino-German Financial Cooperation Ecological Afforestation Project , Chaoyang , Liaoning .