
  • 网络syncrude;synthetic crude oil;SCO
  1. 加拿大合成原油减压馏分油催化裂化反应性能的研究

    Study on catalytic crackability of vacuum gas oil of Canadian synthetic crude oil

  2. SBS橡胶填充油的加氢应用技术聚甘油丙烯酸酯扩链剂合成原油破乳剂

    Synthesis of Crude Oil Demulsifier Using Polyglycerol Acrylate as Chain Extender

  3. 以烷基酚、甲醛、环氧乙烷和环氧丙烷为原料,合成海洋原油用破乳剂。破乳剂的合成主要是通过高压反应釜将起始剂与环氧乙烷、环氧丙烷共聚得到。

    The demulsifier is synthesized by using alkylphenol , formaldehyde , ethylene oxide and propylene oxide . Demulsifiers are synthesized mainly by co-polymerizing with ethylene oxide , propylene oxide and acceptor in high-pressure kettle .

  4. 共聚物OMA降凝剂的合成及对非洲原油降凝评价

    Synthesis of Copolymer OMA as Pour Point Depressant for an African Crude Oil

  5. 介绍了国内外煤气化、天然气转化技术,气化气合成液体燃料技术,以及采用气化和合成工艺的劣质原油加工路线。

    Both domestic and foreign techniques including coal gasification , natural gas conversion and liquid fuel synthesis with gasified gases have been introduced together with gasification and synthesis for processing inferior crude .