
  • 网络contractual foreign investment
  1. 新签合同外资金额实现恢复性增长,实际利用外资继续保持增长。

    The newly-signed contractual foreign investment realized recovery growth and the actually paid-in capital maintained to grow .

  2. 外商投资企业合同外资金额

    Amount of Signed Agreements & Contracts of Foreign Funded Enterprises

  3. 第二章是对山东省引进外商直接投资的现状分析,首先阐述了山东省招商引资的历程,这其中无论是合同外资还是实际利用外商直接投资规模都不断扩大,取得了骄人的成绩。

    The second chapter introduces the current situation of direct foreign investments in Shandong province .

  4. 去年在中国的合同外资金额增长了39%,达到了一千一百五十亿美元。

    Last year , China saw a39 % increase in contractual FDI , reaching US $ 115 billion .

  5. 合同外资金额402.9亿美元,增长45.8%;实际使用外资金额242.1亿美元,增长21.7%。

    The contractual value of foreign investment grew by45.8 % to usd40.29 billion and the Actually Utilized Value climbed by21.7 % to usd24.21 billion .

  6. 第三产业流入的外资呈不断上升趋势,合同外资金额达2880.15亿美元;

    The inflow of foreign capital to the tertiary industry was in a rising tendency with the contracted foreign capital reaching 2880.15 million dollars ;

  7. 今年上半年,中部地区合同外资增加60%,实际利用外资增加42%,增速强劲。

    In the first half of this year , committed and paid-in overseas investment in the central region increased by 60 percent and 42 percent respectively .

  8. 截至2002年,5242.86亿美元的合同外资金额流入第二产业,份额达63.32%;

    At the end of 2002 , there were about 5242.86 million dollars ( contracted foreign capital ) flowing into the second industry , whose share reached 63.32 % ;

  9. 今年上半年外商对华投资企业数、合同外资金额和实际投入金额均比上年同期大幅增长。

    The first six months of this year saw considerable increases in the number of foreign-funded enterprises and both committed and paid-in overseas investment when compared with the same period of last year .

  10. 上半年全国新批合同外资金额439.9亿美元,增长31.5%;

    In the first half of this year , US $ 43.99 billion worth of foreign capital utilization contracts were approved nationwide , representing an increase of 31.5 percent on last year 's same period .

  11. 全市平均单个外资项目合同利用外资578万美元,同比增加了53万美元。

    The average utilized contracted foreign investment of the projects was $ 5.78 million , increasing by $ 0.53 million over last year .

  12. 截止2005年底,中国合同利用外资额达到12854.27亿美元,实际利用外资额为6207.2亿美元。

    By the end of 2005 , Contracted foreign direct investment has reached 1285.427 billion US dollars , and realized foreign direct investment has achieved 620.72 billion US dollars in China .

  13. 《劳动合同法》对外资企业影响的研究

    Research on the Influence the " Labor Contract Law " Will Impose on Foreign-Funded Enterprises