
dìng jiàn
  • Fixed opinion;definite opinion;set view
定见 [dìng jiàn]
  • [set view;definite opinion] 确定的见解或主张

  • 心无定见

定见[dìng jiàn]
  1. 这件事请你们讨论,我没有定见。

    Please discuss the matter , I have no definite opinion yet .

  2. 父母对我应该成为什么样的人有定见。

    My parents had fixed ideas about what I should become .

  3. 心怀二意的人,在他一切所行的路上,都没有定见。

    A double minded man is unstable in all his ways .

  4. 年夜部门时刻,我们给客户一些参考定见并帮他们解决现实问题。

    A lot of the time we give advice and solve problems to our customers .

  5. 我个人并不会在意他们问的问题,因于这时我早已有定见。

    Personally , I don 't care what questions they ask ; by this point I 've already made my decision .

  6. 调查数据发现,十名医生中有近九位声称他们的病患前来问诊时,对于诊断已有定见。

    The poll found that nearly nine in ten doctors claimed their patients arrived for an appointment having already decided on their diagnosis .

  7. 几年往后,女儿步入了花腔的青春期,她不再接管我的定见。

    Years later , when my daughter hit the wonderful teenaged years , she didn 't accept my advice as she did in the past .

  8. 我对约翰很不了解,虽然我们在一起生活了许多年;但对威洛比,我早就有了定见。

    Of John I know very little , though we have lived together for years ; but of Willoughby my judgment has long been formed .

  9. 多年来,舞蹈的功能及其社会浸染的问题,历来都有分歧的定见,也有一些偏颇的提法。

    For many years , the function and its social dance across problems , Always has the differences certainly see , Also have some biased formulation .

  10. 也使人们从不同的角度质疑、反思男女性别的定见以及女性角色的社会规范,从而具有颠覆与重构社会性别、文化之意义。

    It also questioned from different angles , to reflect on the role of female gender stereotypes and social norms , so with " subversion and Reconstruction " Gender and cultural significance .

  11. 哥哥的马,而不是威洛比的马,我会觉得更不恰当,那才问心有愧呢。我对约翰很不了解,虽然我们在一起生活了许多年;但对威洛比,我早就有了定见。”

    I should hold myself guilty of greater Of John I know very little , though we have lived together for years ; but of Willoughby my judgment has long been formed . "

  12. 由于过去对于这些岩层的年代已有定见,刚开始我们试著把这些碎片硬套进去,认为这种体型的动物必定是很特别的恐龙,要不就是其他古怪的中生代兽类。

    At first , we tried to shoehorn these fragments into the prevailing view about the age of the rocks & animals this size must be peculiar dinosaurs or other odd Mesozoic beasts .