
  • 网络Positioning piece;spacer;topogram
  1. 方法对20例颌面部外伤患者进行螺旋CT扫描,通过定位片确定扫描范围,所得图像传输进工作站进行各种重建。

    Methods 20 cases with maxillofacial fracture underwent examination with SCT , on the location topogram settled the scan extent , transfered the data to workstation to go multiple image reconstruction .

  2. HPLC法测定结肠炎定位片中大黄素的含量

    Determination of Content of Emodin in Colon-specific Colitis Tablets by HPLC

  3. 对pH和果胶酶敏感的结肠定位片的研制

    Colon-specific tablets sensitive to pH and pectinase

  4. 定量分析病人摆位时,一般是拿EPID图像与模拟定位片或TPS生成的数字重建影像(DRR)进行配准,得到摆位误差[1]。

    When conducting quantitative analysis of patient positioning , we usually take EPID image and the simulator film or digitally reconstructed image ( DRR ) generated by TPS for registration to get setup errors [ 1 ] .

  5. 方法:选择7~14岁健康女童282名,拍摄左手腕骨片及X线头颅侧位定位片,并进行骨龄评定(采用CHN法)、X线头影测量分析,采用百分位数法进行统计学分析。

    Methods : The hand wrist radiographs of 282 chinese girls aged 7 to 14 years old were analysed by CHN scoring method to assess their skeletal age . Furthermore , their lateral cephalometric films were taken and analysed with percentile method .

  6. 第一弹性元件,其一端抵靠于该定位片的水平部;

    The positioning piece abuts on a first elastic element ;

  7. 分别对治疗前后的临床表现及软组织头颅侧位定位片进行分析。

    Lateral cephalometric radiograph taken before and after the treatments were analyzed .

  8. 复方盐酸小檗碱酶触型结肠定位片体内定位的初步评价

    In Vivo Evaluation of Berberine Enzyme-controlled Colon-Specific tablets

  9. 焊接双活塞环定位片工装的虚拟设计

    The Virtual Design of the Device of the Welded Orientation Piece for Double Piston Ring

  10. 初步稳定性试验表明苦参素结肠定位片制剂质量稳定。

    The results of stability study shows that the quality of Oxymatrine colon-specific enteric tablets is stable .

  11. 方法运用计算机辅助X线头影测量技术,对116例替牙期和恒牙早期的正常儿童的X线头颅侧位定位片进行研究。

    Method Upper airway morphology was studied by computerized cephalometric analysis in 116 mixed dentition and early permanent dentition .

  12. X线头颅侧位定位片硬组织形态二维有限元分析模型的建立

    Establishment of a two dimensional finite element analysis model for hard tissue morphology on lateral cephalometric X ray film

  13. 目的:比较颌骨牙列曲面体层技术和根尖定位片在埋伏阻生牙及多生牙定位中的应用价值。

    PURPOSE : To compare the clinic value between dentomaxillary pantomography and periapical radiographs in localization of the impacted teeth .

  14. 使用方法:将定位片海棉撕开,贴于机板固定,再用扎带捆扎电线。

    Usage : Peel the sponge glue and stick on the wall then , bundle the wire with cable ties .

  15. 目的研究安氏Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ类错牙合患者头颅侧位定位片上机械耳点与解剖耳点的相对位置关系,探讨两点之间的位置关系是否与错牙合类型有关。

    Objective To study the location relationship of mechanical Porion ( Po-m ) and anatomical Porion ( Po-a ) in different Angle 's malocclusions .

  16. 本实用新型公开了一种辅助焊接装置,其包括基座、轴座、转动件及定位片。

    The utility model discloses au auxiliary welding device which comprises a base , a shaft seat , a rotating part and a positioning piece .

  17. 对于快装式机械密封在整体组装完毕后一定不要忘记将定位片径向移动道远离轴的位置固定。

    For fast-loading mechanical seals in the overall assembly must not forget that after the film will be mobile Road radial position away from the fixed axis .

  18. 作者利用X线头颅侧位定位片测定颅面结构和颈椎发育程度,研究179中国南方广东省10~15岁儿童颈椎骨发育与年龄的关系。

    Abstract The relationship of cervical vertebrae maturation and skeletal age was assessed in lateral cephalometric radiographs of 179 cases of 10 ~ 15 year-old southern Chinese in Guangdong .

  19. 方法对上海地区12岁和15岁两个年龄组共65名女性儿童的头颅侧位定位片中第一颈椎骨形态和颌面部有关项目测量、分析,并进行相关性研究。

    Methods The morphological features of the first cervical vertebra and certain variables of craniofacial in lateral cephalometric radiographs from Shanghai females between 12 and 15 years old were measured and correlated .

  20. 用专门建立的颅颌面形态有限元分析系统,分析了80名恒牙早期前牙反合患者X线头颅定位片软组织侧貌形态特征。

    The craniofacial soft tissue morphology in 80 cases of anterior crossbite at the early permanent dentition period was analyzed with a special computer software for finite element analysis of two dimensional craniofacial structure .

  21. 探讨结果有无性别差异。方法:材料为135个安氏Ⅱ类1分类错(牙合)畸形病例(96个尼泊尔病例,39个中国病例)的标准头颅定位片。

    To see if gender plays any role . Methods : The standardized lateral cephalometric radiographs of total 135 subjects ( 96 Nepalese and 39 Chinese ) with Angle Cass II division 1 malocclusion were used .

  22. 观察重复摆位时激光十字线与摆位标记点的重合情况,以及按解剖骨性标记定位片分别与验证片和重拍的模拟片的误差情况。

    The coincidence between skin markers and laser coordinates , and the patient setup error in comparison of simulation film vs. repeated film as well as simulation film vs. verification film according to bone anatomy markers were compared .

  23. 本实用新型为一种气、油压缸的活塞改良构造,该活塞构造主要包含活塞杆、凸形环、活塞环及定位片等构件;

    The utility model relates to an improved structure of a piston of an air and oil pressure cylinder , which mainly comprises a piston rod , a convex ring , a piston ring , a positioning sheet , etc.

  24. 方法:基于有限元分析的原理,选择头颅侧位定位片硬组织标志点作为节点,按照解剖结构及结构间关系对硬组织进行单元划分。

    Methods : Based on the principle of finite element method , the landmarks on lateral cephalometric X ray film were selected as nodes , by which the hard tissue was divided into small elements according to anatomic structures and their relationship .

  25. 方法:选取正常颌大学在校男生30名,平均年龄20.6岁,拍摄X线头颅定位片,按牙体解剖和功能特征分段法进行测量分析。

    Methods ; A total of 30 male college students ( average age 20.6 years ) with normal occlusion were measured with head roentgenogram by using the identical size measurement ( 5 mm length ) and the measurement according to physiologic-anatomical feature of the cusps .

  26. HPLC测定替硝唑结肠定位肠溶片含量和有关物质检查

    HPLC Determination of Related Substances and Content of Tinidazole Colon Targeting Tablets

  27. 大鼠连续给药5d后,对结肠部位的大体形态学改变、组织学损伤以及组织髓过氧化物酶(MPO)活性进行评分或测定,评价4-氨基水杨酸(4-ASA)结肠定位包衣片在大鼠体内的药效学。

    Several indices including macroscopic change , histological damage , and tissue myeloperoxidase ( MPO ) activity were examined after 5 consecutive oral drug administration to assess pharmacodynamics of the coated tablets .

  28. 方法:对8例健康男性受试者接受单次口服2000mg替硝唑结肠定位肠溶片后的药动学进行了研究。采用HPLC法测定血浆中药物浓度。

    Methods : After a single oral dose of tinidazole colon-specific enteric-coated tablets ( 2000mg ) was given to 8 healthy male volunteers in the open randomized study , their plasma drug level were measured by HPLC technique .

  29. 鞣酸小檗碱结肠定位包衣片的制备及体外释放度考察

    Preparation and Release in Vitro of Berberine Tannate Colon-specific Coated Tablets

  30. 替硝唑结肠定位肠溶片在家犬的药代动力学研究

    The pharmacokinetics of colon-specific tinidazole tablets in dogs