
dìng xíng
  • finalize the design;fall into a pattern;become fixed and unchangeable;get into shape;definitive;determine product norm and shape;type
定型 [dìng xíng]
  • (1) [definitize]∶事物的基本要素逐步形成并相对固定下来

  • (2) [determine product norm and shape]∶确定产品的样型

  • 定型投产

定型[dìng xíng]
  1. 嘉发胶系列,运用国外美发定型科技配方及原料。

    Jialong hair spray series use materials of foreign hair-dressings finalize the design science and technology fill a prescription .

  2. 初中阶段的学生生理、心理正处于快速发育阶段,但还尚未定型。

    Middle school students physiology , psychology is in rapid growth phase , but have not yet finalize the design .

  3. 不良姿势一旦定型,日后可就有你受的了。

    If bad posture becomes habitual , you risk long-term effects .

  4. 他的性格已定型。

    His character is set .

  5. 物理学开始从或多或少不太定型的一堆科学知识变成一门范围明确的学科。

    Physics began to emerge from the more-or-less amorphous body of scientific knowledge as an identifiable discipline .

  6. 用胶水粘住圆锥体的侧面,使其定型。

    Glue the sides of the cone so that it holds its shape .

  7. 使头发更靓丽的一种定型剂

    a styling product to give your hair more oomph

  8. 做的时候需要抹发胶定型,不需要卷发棒加热。

    A lotion was applied to the hair to help it retain its shape . There are no heated irons used on the hair .

  9. PCR技术在基因突变分析和定型中的应用

    Application of PCR technique in the mutation detection and genetic typing of genes

  10. PS9415溶液在温度变化时有构象转变,凝胶为无定型网络结构。

    Furthermore , the PS_9415 gel is a non_crystalline network .

  11. 线阵CCD在布匹幅面热定型控制中的应用

    The Application of Linear Matrix CCD in the Hot Case-hardened Control of the Piece Goods

  12. 通过分析,PCS纤维没有明显的取向与结晶,呈无定型状态。

    We found that PCS fiber had not apparent crystallization and orientation .

  13. 目前国内尚没有适合海上油井完井采油的井下安全阀定型产品,为此研制出SF-1型井下安全阀。

    A downhole safety valve for offshore well completion is developed .

  14. 结果表明,按H抗原可将所试菌株分成四个型和不定型;

    They could been divided into four types and an atypical according to analysis of H antigen and three types based on O antigen test .

  15. 纺丝速度和定型温度对涤纶POY自伸长率的影响

    Influence of spinning speed and setting temperature on self-extensional rato of polyester POY

  16. ABS的无定型结构使之有良好的电气绝缘性能、抗多种化学介质的性能。

    It has good electrical insulation properties , resistance to many aggressive media which is largely due to the amorphous structure of the polymer .

  17. 甘露聚糖特异的IgG、IgM类抗体的测定及意义IgA类和IgM类单克隆抗体血型定型试剂临床应用比较研究

    Detection and application of anti-mannan specific IgG and IgM antibodies Clinical Studies on the Differences between IgA and IgM Blood Grouping Reagents

  18. 结果表明,Na的诱导作用使无定型氧化硅在焙烧过程中相变为α-方石英结构,同时伴有比表面积的大幅度下降;

    The inducing effect of sodium makes amorphous silica transferred to α cristobalite during calcination , and the specific surface area decreases enormously as a consequence .

  19. 其中定型颗粒活性炭是用木焦油为粘合剂,最终产品的强度在85%以上,比表面积为1577.55m~2/g;

    We used wood tar as a blending agent to produce shaped activated carbon and the abrasion resistance of it is larger than 85 % ; the BET surface area is 1577.55m2/g .

  20. 讨论了塑料型材挤出定型模的设计原则和设计方法,并介绍了塑料型材挤出定型模计算机辅助设计(CAD)系统的功能与结构。

    The design rules and methods of calibrators for plastic profile extrusion are discussed , and the function and structure of CAE system of calibrators for plastic profile extrusion are also introduced .

  21. 然而对RHD基因的研究显示其存在明显的种族差异,以高加索人基因结构为基础的基因定型等临床应用在其他民族中存在局限性。

    The genotyping application which based the Caucasian genetic RHD structure has limitation in other races .

  22. XRD(X射线衍射分析)和SEM(扫描电镜分析)证实提高搅拌强度可以使银的结晶趋于无定型化,并使银结晶粒度减小。

    XRD in conjunction with SEM indicated that the silver crystallization is prone to amorphous and the grain size of silver is reduced when the intensity of stirring was improved .

  23. 抗H抗体属于IgM型冷抗体,临床鉴定血型时,常可引起正反定型不符,造成定型困难。

    Anti-H antibody belongs to IgM type cold antibody , which often induces the unconformity of positive and reverse typing and leads to the difficulty in clinical blood typing .

  24. UPVC管的定型方式及结构

    Structure and Shaping Methods of UPVC Pipe

  25. 慢性丙型肝炎病毒感染者外周血恒定型自然杀伤T细胞分泌IL-13的能力增强

    Enhanced ability of peripheral invariant natural killer T-cells to produce IL-13 in chronic hepatitis C virus infection

  26. 开花后14~20d,筛分子内有较丰富的线粒体、P型质体和许多无定型丝状物,有些筛分子有珠光壁。

    From 14 th to 20 th after anthesis , the SEs were enriched with mitochondria , P type plastid , and many microfibril like structures .

  27. 目的研究可用于各种方法的通用型ABO反定型试剂红细胞。

    Objective To develop a current model reagent of red blood cell ( RBC ) in reverse ABO typing for ways and means .

  28. 阐述了影响PA6浸胶帘子布定负荷伸长率的因素。结果表明:浸胶热处理工艺中主要是拉伸区、定型区温度高低、张力大小影响浸胶帘子布定负荷伸长;

    In the heat treatment after dipping , constant load elongation of latexed fabric was affected mainly by temperature and tension in drawing and setting .

  29. 最后,通过分析冷却过程中的热传递方式,利用ANSYS软件完成了塑料异型材在定型模内冷却过程的有限元分析,获得冷却过程的瞬态温度场等重要参数。

    Lastly , after analyzing the way of hot exchange , the FEM analysis on the cooling process is done by the ANSYS software in order to master the transient temperature field of the cooling process .

  30. 用直接补偿法可以测定纤维皮芯双折射率的分布.最后对这种皮芯双折射差异对纤维热定型之后PET工业用丝的模量、干热收缩及强度和耐疲劳性能的影响进行了讨论。

    Thus there is a difference of the birefringence between sheath and core which can be measured by direct compensation method , the effects of which on the property of PET industrial filament after heat treatment are discussed .