
  • 网络Timing Information
  1. ATM技术很好地解决了数据的透明传送问题,但定时信息在ATM网中的传递透明性由于统计复用而受到损害,而时钟同步是电路仿真业务的关键问题。

    ATM supports transparent data transport , which brings distortion of timing information , while clock synchro-nization is the key point of ATM CES .

  2. 如果考虑在PTN网络上传送传统TDM业务,必须考虑PTN网络中同步定时信息分配问题。

    If considering transmitting the traditional TDM services over the PTN , we must consider the distribution of synchronization timing information over the PTN .

  3. 无线ATM通信网的定时信息恢复技术研究

    Research on Timing Recovery in Wireless ATM Networks

  4. 本文对无线ATM通信网CBR业务定时信息的恢复技术进行了研究。

    This paper introduces a timing recovery technique for CBR traffic in Wireless ATM Networks .

  5. 实现分组传送网络定时信息分配可以采用外部时钟同步法、同步以太技术或数据包方式的自适应时钟恢复算法ACR(AdaptiveClockRecovery)。

    Timing information distribution over the PTN can use the external clock synchronization , Synchronous Ethernet Technology or packet-based Adaptive Clock Recovery ( ACR ) .

  6. 系统利用软件,从GPS接收器获取UTC时间码和秒定时信息,并对计算机时钟进行校准。

    The system receives UTC timestamp and PPS from GPS using software , then calibrates the clock of computer .

  7. 基于SCS算法的盲自适应多用户检测器只需知道期望用户的扩频码及定时信息,而且通过自动选择用来估计期望信号的非线性函数,可以调节算法的收敛速度和估计误差。

    It only needs the timing and spreading code of the expected user . The convergence speed and estimation error can be adjusted through the choice of the nonlinear function , to estimate the expected signal .

  8. 但在实现传统通信网络和PTN网络的融合过程中,会出现许多问题,比如如何保障分组传送网络中传送TDM业务的服务质量QoS、数据封装类型的互通、定时信息的分配等。

    But during the process of realizing the combination of the traditional communications networks and PTN , there will be a lot of problems , such as how to protect the QoS of TDM services over PTN , data encapsulation type , and clock information distribution and so on .

  9. 这款采用永久,稀土磁材料制成的消磁器能清除所有数据和定时信息。

    An array of permanent , rare-earth magnets enables the unit to completely erase data and timing information .

  10. 经过线路编码,可以使基带信号含有定时信息,解决了通信中的位同步。

    The line code is an efficient way to make the baseband digital signal have some massage about the bit synchronization .

  11. 这款采用永久,高能,稀土磁材料制成的消磁器能清除所有数据,也能清除以40秒为周期的不断重复的定时信息。

    An array of permanent , high-energy , rare-earth magnets enables the unit to fully erase data and timing information in one40-second cycle that can be run continuously .

  12. 其中盲多用户检测技术无需干扰用户的扩频码和定时信息等先验知识,成为当前研究的热点之一。

    Blind Multi-User Detection ( BMUD ) technology has become a hot topic of current research as it does not need the prior knowledge , such as signature sequences of all users and timing information .

  13. 在时钟管理模块中,遵循尽可能减少数据移动和节省MCU处理时间的原则,设计了基于双地址映射机制的存储、搜索、删除、新增和编辑方法的定时提醒信息。

    The management module follows the principle of minimizing data movement and processing time of MCU and designs dual-address based mapping mechanism to store , search , delete , add and edit information of timing alerts .

  14. 定时提醒信息通过系统的万年历时钟模块管理。

    Reminding time information is managed through the system calendar clock module .

  15. 重点讨论了集成平台的会话管理、事务管理以及安全管理,同时引入任务管理以实现定时执行信息集成任务。

    Emphatically , we discuss session management , transaction management and security management . Task management is employed to implement transaction of the integration task in the platform in a specific period .

  16. 定时板负责信息编码、信息处理和高精度定时信号的产生。

    Timing board is responsible for information coding , information processing and generation of high precision timing signal .

  17. 获取网络拓扑的传统方法是定时更新网络信息,但会带来大量的网络开销。

    Traditional methods for getting the topology of networks is to update information regularly , but this will result in large amount of network overhead .

  18. 而且,RSS订阅系统会定时更新,使得信息不能及时更新的问题得到了很好的解决。

    RSS subscription system will regularly update , which provides a solution to the update problem .

  19. WebMail个性化定制服务的方式有:有问必答的互动式个性化服务,用户个性化信息的定时发送,图书馆信息资源的小群体服务,图书馆信息发布的群体定制服务。

    In this paper , the authors introduce the patterns of Web Mail customization services , including question answer interactive customization services , customized information delivery , small group services of library information resources , and group customization services of library information release .

  20. 仿真结果表明在定时引入GPS导航信息后,该导航系统能够使水下航行器定位精度有很大提高,基本克服了SINS/DVL组合导航系统中定位误差随时间累积的问题。

    The simulation result shows that after timing introducing GPS navigation information this navigation system can increase the positioning accuracy evidently , and overcome the question of the positional error accumulated with the of time in SINS / DVL Integrated Navigation .

  21. 一种移位寄存器,按定时信号逐级传送信息。

    A shift register that transfers information from stage to stage in response to timing signals .

  22. 除了常规的定时恢复方法外,为了解决像部分响应信号这样的频谱受限信号的定时恢复问题,本章提出了采用高次非线性运算来得到定时恢复信息的方法。

    Besides conventional timing recovery method , in order to solve the timing recovery question of likely the partial responses signal , we propose the method of using the higher nonlinear operation to obtain the timing recovery information .