
  • Regular inspections;【电力】periodical inspection
  1. 同时提出利用机载红外成像设备定期巡视、检测运行复合绝缘子内部缺陷,以确保电网安全运行。

    In addition , a measure using airborne infrared imaging device to periodically inspect the inner-defect of composite insulators in service is put forward to ensure the secure operation of power grids .

  2. 皮特在好莱坞山有座房产,一群狗仔围在周围让皮特甚为担心家人,现在洛杉矶警方已定期过来巡视。

    Brad is concerned about his family after a scrum of paparazzi formed outside their Hollywood Hills home , and the Los Angeles police are now patrolling the area at regular intervals .

  3. 中国古代皇帝和司法官员对监狱中的囚犯定期或不定期的进行巡视、审查和清点的司法制度称之为录囚。

    In ancient China , the judicial system that the emperor and judicial officials tour , check and count the prisoners in the prison is called prison-checking system .