
  1. M&PM空间中Fuzzy映象的不动度

    Fixed Degree of Fuzzy Mappings in the M-PM Spaces

  2. 现代产品几何技术规范(GPS)的不确定度理论及应用技术研究

    Study on theoretic and application technique of uncertainty in New Generation Geometrical product specification

  3. 利用ACCESS提高工业铂电阻温度计测量准确度提高工业铂电阻测温不确定度的途径


  4. ICP-AES测定人发中铁的不确定度分析

    Analysis of Uncertainty for Determination of Zn in Hair by ICP-AES

  5. ICP-AES法测定钯碳催化剂中钯的不确定度的评定

    Evaluation of uncertainty for determination of Pd in palladium-carbon catalyst by ICP-AES

  6. 测量不确定度的评定是新一代几何产品规范(GPS)认证的重要组成部分。

    Estimation of measurement uncertainty is an important part of the verifying specification in new generation geometrical product specifications ( GPS ) .

  7. 并在此基础上,利用模糊信息的IDθ-不确定度分析了指派决策的可靠性程度。

    Based on these procedures , we analyzed the reliability of assignment decision by using ID θ - uncertainty of fuzzy information .

  8. 用Petri网简约矩阵检查测试序列的不确定度,使测试序列不确定度最小,从而优化了测试序列,即从给定的指令中选出了最佳测试序列。

    Ambiguity of test sequence is checked via Petri net matrix . Test pattern is optimized and the best test sequence is got .

  9. TOC会计总有机碳不确定度评价

    Evaluation of uncertainty in TOC

  10. CTD温度实验室校准结果不确定度的分析

    Uncertainty Analysis of Temperature Calibration of CTD in Lab

  11. 在国际标准化组织制定的测量不确定度评定指南(ISOGUM)的基础上,对一种基于Taylor展开式的间接测量系统的不确定度分析方法进行了讨论。

    Based on ISO GUM , a method to evaluate the uncertainty of indirect measurement system is discussed by means of Taylor expansion .

  12. LDV标定装置校准盘动态半径不确定度测量方法

    An approach for Dynamical Determination of the Rotating Disc Radius in LDV Calibration Facility

  13. 目的对酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)法检测人体血清中艾滋病病毒(HIV)1+2型抗体结果的不确定度进行评定,降低初筛试验出现假阴性结果的风险。

    Objective To evaluate uncertainty in detecting HIV 1 + 2 antibody by ELISA in order to reduce risk due to false negative results in serum screening tests .

  14. 有机结合PVT和BK法以降低测量卫星液体推进剂的不确定度

    Reduction of measurement uncertainty of liquid propellant remaining on satellite by combining PVT with BK organically

  15. 使用上述XPS测量方法,目前对于超薄SiO2的厚度测量不确定度已可达到1%。

    By using the present XPS method it is possible to make accurate measurements for ultrathin SiO_2 thickness with an uncertainty of 1 % .

  16. 快速凯氏定氮仪与纳氏试剂光度法测定NH3-N的精密度及总不确定度比较

    The accuracy and systematic uncertainty of NH_3-N results comparing the photometry method and quick analyzing method

  17. ICP-OES不确定度评定模型的探讨

    A Study on Uncertainty Assessing Model in The Field of ICP-OES

  18. ADCP流量测验随机误差分析Ⅰ:随机不确定度预测模型

    Analysis of random error in ADCP flow discharge measurement I : Model for predicting random uncertainty

  19. 将测量不确定度理论应用到GPS接收机检定领域,使GPS接收机检定技术研究提升到一个新的系统性的理论高度。

    This paper has systematically applied the theory of uncertainty in measurement to the GPS receiver testing . It will upgrade the research level of GPS receiver testing to a systematical and theoretic height .

  20. 利用在美国加利福尼亚州ImperialIrrigationDistrict灌渠试验得到的数据验证了最大相对误差和随机不确定度预测模型的有效性。

    The validity of this model and the model of predicting random uncertainty are verified by field test data for the measurement of an irrigation canal in Imperial Irrigation District in California , USA.

  21. 以模糊数学为基础,提出了模糊误差总合定律,解决了误差子集A和B之间的概率合成问题,并在此基础上提出了不确定度评定方法。

    Based on fuzzy mathematics , this paper puts forward the Fuzzy Error Synthetic law that solves the probability synthesizing problem of the sub-aggregates A and B and brings forward a new method for evaluating uncertainty degree based on this law .

  22. 介绍了不确定度的有关概念,提出了不确定度A类分量及B类分量评定的方法以及在两种分量下合成标准不确定度的表达式。

    In this article , the relevant concepts of the indetermination degree , the assessed method towards indetermination degree A and B weights , and the formulae on the indetermination degree of synthesizing standard under the two kinks of weights were introduced .

  23. 本研究以田口方法和GUM两种理论为依据,对两者在校准及测量不确定度评定中的应用进行比较分析。

    This article compares and analyzes the applications of the Taguchi methods and the GUM ( Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement ) theory on calibration and measurement uncertainty study .

  24. NTN技术校准宽带取样示波器的不确定度研究

    The Research of Uncertainty to Calibrating Broadband Sampling Oscilloscope Based on " NTN " Technology

  25. 为评价超精密工作台自标定过程中由随机测量误差引起的标定不确定度,提出了基于MonteCarlo模拟的自标定不确定度定量评价方法。

    The self-calibration uncertainty of ultra-precision stages caused by random measurement noise was evaluated using Monte Carlo simulations . The maximum uncertainty amplification factor of the self-calibration algorithm was used as the quantitative evaluation index .

  26. 本文介绍中国计量科学研究院(NIM)在相位噪声频域测量方面的最新进展,叙述了系统的性能,详细讨论了测量不确定度,指出系统的噪声本底小于-170dBc/Hz。

    The current advance on the phase noise measurement in the frequency domain in NIM (?) s presented . THe performance of the system is described .

  27. 在实验室质量控制中,评估研究法汽油辛烷值(RON)的测量不确定度时,提出了平均移动极差(MR)合并统计动态监控技术。

    How to estimate the uncertainty in laboratory quality control activities , when RON ( Research Octane Number ) is determined , is described . The technique of the averaged Moving Range ( MR ) pooled in-statistical-dynamic-monitor is proposed .

  28. 本文报导采用放大倍率法、CCD接收、计算机图像处理技术、测量自聚焦(GRIN)透镜的焦距,测量相对不确定度达到±0.12%。

    The measurement of GRIN lens focal length by using the amplification method , CCD camera detection and computer image data processing is reported in this paper . The relative measuring uncertainty is up to ± 0.21 % .

  29. 由改进后的薄膜所制备的光导PbS探测器,在大尺度(25mm)光敏元尺寸下,光电响应的不均匀度由改进前的±50%减小为±25%。

    An infrared photoconductive detector using the improved PbS film shows that the non-uniformity is changed from 50 % before improved to 25 % up and down .

  30. 实验结果表明,该法的不确定度Urel(C)约为1.6%,与常量滴定法相当,符合国家标准。

    The results showed that the uncertainty ( Urel ) of the method was about 1.6 % , an equivalent value to the conventional titrimetric analysis and is conformed to national standards .