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  1. 气分热重而单纯清热不效者多挟湿邪,治疗当视湿邪所在部位施以不同治法;

    Most patients who have heavy heat of Qi Fen and are treated by simple clearing away heat with no effect , have pathogenic dampness .

  2. 愿陛下托臣以讨贼兴复之效,不效,则治臣之罪,以告先帝之灵。

    My only desire is to be permitted to drive out the traitors and restore the Han . If I should let you down , punish my offense and report it to the spirit of the late Emperor . Your Majesty , consider your course of action carefully .

  3. 微构造是油田注采不受效的主要因素。

    And micro-tectonics are major factors of ineffective water flooding .

  4. 探讨了不匹配效应对有限尺寸计算结果的影响。

    We discuss the effects of mismatch on the results of finite-size system .

  5. 贵州红粘土的干燥不可逆效应对液限测定的影响

    Effect on Liquid Limit Assessment by Dryness Irreversible of Red Clay in Guizhou

  6. 不过,已被大众认可的追男方式却经常不凑效,那是因为女人错误地估计了它们所能产生的影响。

    Though , even acceptedsocietal norms for picking up a guy often miss the mark becausewomen overthink things .

  7. 方法对173例经其他方法止血不凑效的鼻出血患者行鼻内窥镜下双极电凝止血治疗。

    Methods 173 cases who were still bleeding treated with other methods , were treated with bipolar coagulation hemostasis by the nose introscope watch .

  8. 结果表明利用三次对数多项式回归即可精确地重建本次实验的原始热像,同时能有效地克服复合材料层压板脉冲热像检测中随机噪声和加热不均效应对缺陷识别的干扰;

    The results indicates that the cubic logarithm polynomials can accurately reconstruct the raw thermal images in the experiment , and can effectively suppress the interference to defect recognition caused by random noise and uneven heating in the PT testing of composite laminates ;

  9. 研究表明,携带主效抗病基因的植株比不带主效QTL的植株抗病率明显提高36%,两个分子标记检测的结果相近,所以只选用一个即可达到目的,节省财力物力。

    Research shows that carry the effect of plant resistance genes than not take effect of plant disease resistance Lord QTL obviously improve the rate of36 % , two molecular markers were the results of the testing similar , so use only a can achieve a goal , save resources .

  10. 没有灵活的劳动力市场,这样一种货币就不可能凑效。

    Without flexible labour markets , such a currency cannot work .

  11. 移栽后30天调查,成活率达95.2%,与壮苗培养基中不含多效唑的对照相比提高29.7%。

    After 30 days of transplanting , survival rate of anther plants could be 95.2 % and increased 29.7 % compared with that in medium without MET .

  12. 任何名家心法的运用,都必须受整体、恒动两大基本原则的支配,生搬硬套最易背离这两大原则,致经验不验,效方不效。

    Any exertion method of famous doctor is in control of the two basal principles : the concept of holism and constant movement , rote is lean to break away the two principles , and leading to the lost of action of experience and decoction .

  13. 若蒙不弃,愿效犬马之劳。

    Should I be fortunate enough not to be rejected , I would render such humble services as I could .

  14. 介绍新一代X射线荧光分析仪在新疆某地的勘查应用,并采用几种方法对基体效应、湿度效应、不平度效应进行效正。

    This paper presents the application of new-generation X-ray fluorescence analysis instrument ( XRF ) to the exploration in a certain place of Xinjiang . Some methods were used to correct the base matrix effect , moisture effect and roughness effect .

  15. 前主席宣称这种药即不安全也没有效。

    V.The former president claimed they were unsafe and ineffective .

  16. 但就本人因素和公司体制的不完善,工作效没有自己想要的结果。

    However , I and the system 's imperfections , the work does not have any effect you want .

  17. 但其中部分产品如豆磺隆、绿磺隆等对一些农作物不安全,残效期过长及抗性杂草增加很快等问题亟待解决。

    But some environmental issues caused by sulfonylurea herbicides , such as Chlorimuron and Chlorsulfuron , are urgently settled because of their too long residual period and the fast growth of the weeds .

  18. 如果最终仍不能勇于直面现实,这种治标不治本的应对措施不可能永远凑效。

    That sort of response alleviating the symptoms without tackling the fundamental causes can 't go on for ever without a painful reckoning eventually .

  19. 研究人员将其中的原因归为经济学领域的一种惯例,即发表论文时按姓氏首字母对共同作者进行排序。这项研究还指出,心理学领域的教授发表论文时排名不按姓氏字母顺序,就不存在类似的效应。

    Researchers attributed this to the custom in economics of listing co-authors " names alphabetically on papers , noting that no similar effect existed for professors in psychology , whose names are not listed alphabetically .

  20. 他不需要成堆的原材料,不需要精密仪器,不需要有人效犬马之劳。

    He needs no bulky pile of raw material , no elaborate apparatus , no service of men or animals .