
  • 网络An abnormal person;freak
  1. 如果你没在美国生活过,查一查字典看,你会发现“wacko”是一个美式俚语,指那些不正常的人,或者说“怪人”。

    Well , if you haven 't lived in the United States , it is just slang for someone who is crazy .

  2. 第二个,你是个不正常的人。

    The second one is that you 're an insane person .

  3. 活得不正常的人,恐惧跟随着他。&赫伯特

    He that lives ill , fear follows him . & George Herbert

  4. 我认为这世界上到处都充斥着神经不正常的人。

    I think the crazies are taking over the world .

  5. 不要把自己交给这些不正常的人。

    Don 't give yourselves to these unnatural men .

  6. 要是观众中有某些心理不正常的人看后产生了古怪的想法怎么办?

    What if some disturbed person in the audience saw it and got some strange ideas ?

  7. 到时候唯一令我们感到奇怪的人,将是另一类不正常的人:那些看上去毫无污点的人。

    The only people who will make us wonder will be another category of deviants : those that appear to be spotlessly clean .

  8. 纽约可能是个可怕的地方:它的谋杀案比例相当高,还住了一些心理极度不正常的人。

    New York can be a scary place : it has a high murder rate and some seriously disturbed people living in it .

  9. 任何被社会标准衡量为不正常的人,比如残疾人和精神病人,同性恋者和艾滋病患者都被社会排斥。

    Anyone who fails to conform to convention for example , the handicapped or mentally ill , homosexuals , and AIDS patients is socially ostracized .

  10. 很明显这个误导性的猜想是一些安静的人自己提出来的,有种防御反击的味道,因为他们总是被人当作怪胎或者不正常的人来对待。

    Obviously , this one is put forth by some quiet people themselves , in a sort of over-defensive backlash against being treated like the weird , abnormal ones .

  11. 於神智不清或於不合或不正常的人,不得入或留在路所或其任何部分。

    No person in a state of intoxication or who is in an unfit or improper condition shall enter or remain upon the railway premises or any part thereof .

  12. 那些可以容忍一个圆(或三角形,方形,矩形或椭圆)偏离常态的人可以容忍不正常的人或者社会上边缘的人群。

    People who are tolerant of deviance from the norm when judging a circle ( or triangle , square , rectangle or ellipse ) are tolerant of deviant or otherwise marginalised groups in society .

  13. 我们中的一些人被其他人称作不正常的人,尽管只是一种称谓,但弥漫开来就会被当做习俗来处理,甚至被认为其本性如此,不可更改。

    Some people among us are called " abnormal people ", though just a title , it can be treated as a custom when widely spread , and those people may even be thought as born with the unchangeable essence of abnormality .

  14. 狭义的变态心理主要是指整个精神基本处于不正常状态的人,他的精神已经完全扭曲了。

    Narrowly-defined abnormal psychology refers to the person of the whole spirit basically in abnormal state mainly and his spirit has already been totally twisted .

  15. “侏儒:发育不正常身材矮小的人,常表现出四肢比例不协调.”

    " dwarf : an abnormally small person , often having limbs and features not properly proportioned or formed . "

  16. 根据美国心脏协会的研究,对没有反应或不正常呼吸的任何人,首先应立即给予心脏按压。

    According to the AHA , chest compressions should be started immediately on anyone who is unresponsive and is not breathing normally .

  17. 你用的很多时间在自己的事情上,不与那些正常的人交往,这样也会很难交到朋友。

    · You stop relating to normal people because you spend a lot of time on your own , which makes it even harder to start making friends .

  18. 单靠行政命令的办法,禁止人接触不正常的现象,禁止人接触丑恶的现象,禁止人接触错误思想,禁止人看牛鬼蛇神,这是不能解决问题的。

    It will solve no problem simply to issue administrative orders forbidding people to have any contact with perverse and ugly phenomena and with erroneous ideas , or forbidding them to see ghosts and monsters on the stage .