
  • 网络Sexual History
  1. 算了,给我个过往性史表格吧。

    You know what , give me one of those sexual history forms .

  2. 这个性史名单太难填了。

    This sexual history list is hard .

  3. 多因素分析筛选出年龄、胎龄、个人特应性史、非母乳喂养、潜在疾病等5个因素为独立危险因素。

    Age , gestational age , atopy , no breast-feeding and potential presence of other diseases were found to be independent risk factors .

  4. 福柯是男同,在《性史》创作后期,死于艾滋;,巴特勒是女同。

    Foucault is a gay writer who was , in the later stages of writing ; The History of Sexuality , dying of AIDS ; Butler is a lesbian writer .

  5. 据英国广播公司报道,越来越多的印度人在联姻前雇佣私人侦探来打探未来新娘或新郎的品行、性史以及收入情况。

    A growing number of Indians are hiring private detectives to check up on a prospective bride or groom 's character , sexual history and finances before marriage , BBC reported .

  6. 不过后来学生之间出现了对同窗太过亲密甚至多有冒犯的言论,包括性史、涉毒和以暴力相威胁,这一发现让他很震惊。

    And then he watched in awe and horror as students began posting intimate and often offensive remarks about their peers & including sexual histories , accusations of drug use , and threats of violence .

  7. 通过对于性史的研究,他向我们揭示我们自身被扭曲成主体的实际策略和程序,并试图寻求摆脱现状的出路。

    Through the study of " the history of sexuality ", he revealed practical strategies and procedures to us by which " ourselves " distorted " subject ", and tried to find a way out of the status quo .

  8. 变应原皮肤点刺试验(SPT)检测过敏原;详细询问哮喘患儿人及家族过敏性疾病史。

    Allergen SPT was carried out and the individual and family history of hypersensitivity disease was recorded in asthmatic children .

  9. 发现儿童与老人发病率低,病人的过敏性疾病史和药物过敏史、原有的肝病及感染性疾病都与DA的发生显著相关。

    Our results showed that incidence of drug allergy was low in children and the aged persons . The history of allergy , the presence of liver damage and infectious diseases were all related to the development of drug allergy .

  10. 结果表明:有异常妊娠史妇女CMV平均感染率为15.6%,前3位依次为畸胎史(29.2%)、习惯性流产史(19.2%)、先兆流产史(15.6%);

    The results showed : Average CMV infection rate of women with abnormal pregnancy history is 15.6 % followed by teraos ( 29.2 % ), habitual abortion ( 9.2 % ), threatened abortion ( 15.6 % ) etc. From first trimester of pregnancy to second .

  11. 方法:采用社会心理行为学方法,随机调查有婚前性生活史者510人。

    Methods : The survey adopted the society psychology behavior methodology .

  12. 习惯性流产史孕妇的T抑制细胞活性的分析

    Activity of Suppressor T Cells in Pregnant Women with Habitual Abortion

  13. 以缓慢型发作多见(67.19%);有个人过敏性疾病史者占70%;

    It is more commonly seen in slow type ( 67.19 % );

  14. 患儿多有特应性疾病史,本病有遗传倾向。

    Many children with atopic diseases , the disease has a genetic tendency .

  15. 她没有情感性疾病史,也无服药史。

    She had no past history of affective illness and was not taking any medication .

  16. 近2周内有感冒、发烧等感染性疾病史者;

    Had the history of infective diseases such as cold and fever in the past 2 weeks ;

  17. 婴幼儿个人过敏性疾病史对诊断哮喘较年长儿有价值。

    Individual history of hypersensitivity disease in infant asthma has more value than that in the older one .

  18. 人的自由发展的特性主要有主体性、史性、段性、践性。

    The features of people 's free development are subjectivity , historical nature , period character and practical character .

  19. 正常对照组为30名既往无脑器质性疾病史和神经系统症状、体征的健康志愿者。

    Meanwhile 30 healthy volunteers without previous brain organic diseases or abnormal nervous system manifestations were recruited as normal controls .

  20. 如果他们一早知道对街邻居的性侵犯史,就会教女儿有所防范。

    Had they known he was a sex offender , they would have told their daughter to stay away from him .

  21. 我们报道的这位患者既往无外伤史,无代谢性疾病史,也不是华裔。

    Our patient had no previous trauma , no diagnosed history of metabolic disease , and was not of Asian descent .

  22. 全部受试对象均为右利手,既往无精神疾病、颅脑外伤及脑器质性疾病史。

    All the subjects were right-handed . No subjects had any lifetime histories of mental disorder , craniocerebral trauma and organic disease .

  23. 纵不美观中情局历史和不道德性为史,没有任何疑问中情局和巴基斯坦情报局是通同的。

    Given the history and immorality of the CIA , it is certainly no stretch to believe that the agency is complicit .

  24. 2000年,专家们建议:孕妇和哺乳期妇女应避免食用花生,对于具有过敏性疾病史的家庭尤其如此。

    In 2000 , pregnant and nursing women were advised to avoid eating peanuts , especially if allergies ran in the family .

  25. 在《性经验史》中,福柯详尽地分析了性经验是如何在不同时代的权力机制下嬗变的。

    In " History of sexuality ", Foucault detailed the analysis on the evolution of sexual experience under political mechanisms of different ages .

  26. 知青史,即知识青年上山下乡史,是中华人民共和国建立以来持续时间最长的一场由官方组织的群众性运动史。

    The Chinese educated urban youth ' history was known as the longest officially organized mass movement history since the establishment of PRC .

  27. 结论婴儿期热性惊厥史是影响立体定向杏仁核、海马毁损术治疗颞叶癫痫预后的危险因素。

    Conclusions The history of febrile seizure is the risk factor which predicts outcome of stereotactic amygdalohippocampotomy for the treatment of temporal lobe epilepsy .

  28. 当怀疑有心包炎时,病史应注重感染原接触史,结缔组织和免疫性疾病史和以往的肿瘤诊断史。

    If pericarditis is suspected , the history should address exposure to infectious agents , connective tissue and immune diseases , and previous diagnosis of neoplasia .

  29. 结论:对有复发性流产史的孕妇给予孕激素预防和治疗能降低流产率。

    Conclusions : It is benefit for the women who with a history of recurrent miscarriage to give progestogens to preventing and treatment of threatened abortion .

  30. 有不洁性生活史者、旅游、餐饮服务业者、无业者及企事业员工为梅毒感染的高危人群。

    The high risk crowd infecting syphilis was the persons who had impurity sexual life , was engaged in travel , repast service , and no occupations .