
  • 网络nature and flavor;property and flavor
  1. 中药性味配伍是中医方药理论中最具特色的层面,是方剂配伍的原始理论之一。

    Compatibility of nature and flavor of medicines is a special character in the theory of formula and medicine of TCM , and it is one of the basic theories for compatibility of formula .

  2. 细胞因子网络与复方中药作用机理探讨在中医方药理论中,性味历来是针对中药而言的,是阐明中药作用机理的重要基础理论。

    Approach on the Relationship between Cytokine Networks and Action Mechanism of Traditional Chinese Medicine Compounds " Nature and Flavor " always refers to the property of the herbal medicine in the theory of TCM .

  3. 运用Excel工作表和方差分析法分析84味常用跌打损伤中草药中钙元素含量与不同自然属性、功能主治、归经和性味之间的关系。

    Analyzes in 84 taste commonly used injury from fractures Chinese medicine using the Excel work sheet and the variance analytic method the calcium element content and the different natural quality , the effect , the nature and turns over to after between relations . Results : 1 .

  4. 性味:味辛,气香,性温、无毒。

    Properties : Weixin , gas incense , warm , non-toxic .

  5. 其性味的变化,与不同的炮制方法之间可能存在关联。

    The changes of its property are related to different processing methods .

  6. 不同性味矿物药的特征元素组成

    The characteristic element constitution of mineral drugs with varieties of nature and flavour

  7. 食物性味与婴幼儿过敏性咳嗽的关系研究

    Cough counter Relationship between the character and taste of food and infantile anaphylactic cough

  8. 菟丝子功效、性味归经与现代药理学的相关性研究

    The Dodder 's effect , flavor and meridian tropism and the modern pharmacology relevant research

  9. 实验证明灸材的药物性味对灸疗作用具有重要的影响。

    Experiments show the drug sexual flavour sticks material sticks to cure effect has great effect .

  10. 性味苦、寒,归脾、肺、胃经。

    Nature painstakingly , cold , turns over to spleen , the lung , the functioning of the stomach .

  11. 中药性味归经理论的研究思路与方法

    Research Ideas and Method on the Theory of Four Properties , Five Tastes and Channel Distribution in Chinese Herbal

  12. 目的:探讨食物性味对婴幼儿过敏性咳嗽的影响。

    Objective : Making a study of the correlation between the character and taste of food and infantile anaphylactic cough .

  13. 鸡内金性味甘平,归脾胃,小肠,膀胱经。

    Gallus gallus domesticus of sweet flat , owned by the spleen and stomach , small intestine , the bladder .

  14. 方法根据鹿茸的性味功效,人的体质类型,临床上灵活运用,因人因证而施。

    Methods of sexual taste velvet effect , the human body types , clinical flexibility , the People , permits and facilities .

  15. 福州人饮食性味凉热和温度高低与体质关系研究

    Research on Relationship between Cool or Hot Nature as well as High or Low Temperature of Diet in Fuzhou Man and Body Constitution

  16. 中药可以按照主治功能、动植物属性、药用成分、性味、归经分类。

    Chinese traditional medicine can according to the functions of animals and plants , medicinal composition , properties , taste , owned by classification .

  17. 它是以优质中药饮片为原料,经现代工艺精制而成的单味配方颗粒。在中医药理论的指导下用于临床,其性味,归经,功效与原饮片基本保持一致。

    It is formula granule of a herb that is made from herb pieces of high quality herb which is refined by modern technology .

  18. 结论:食物性味与婴幼儿过敏性咳嗽的发生有关系,合理科学的喂养是预防婴幼儿过敏性咳嗽的基本方法。

    Condusion : The character and taste of food are related to infantile anaphylactic cough , healthful and scientific feeding is a basic for preventing this disease .

  19. 2007年,国家973重点基础研究发展计划的中药性味功效相关研究中,吴茱萸列为重要基础研究的药材。

    In 2007 , the national " 973 " Key Basic Research Program of the taste effect of Chinese medicine-related research , basic research as an important Evodia medicine .

  20. 通过分析,将《内经》中两条治温燥与凉燥的性味治则定为治疗西北燥证的基本治则。

    We sift the therapeutic methods and available medicines , which fit for treating the Northwest Dryness according to its features and under the principled guidance of Inner Classic .

  21. 实验结果表明;1,2,3具有一定的差异,药的性味功能与微量元素之间也有一定的关系。

    The results show that 1 ~ # , 2 ~ # and 3 ~ # are some different , and the smell and function have some relation with trace elements .

  22. 目的:探讨饮食性味凉热和温度高低对人体影响的规律性与体质的关系。

    Objective To discuss the regularity of the influence of cool or hot nature and high or low temperature of diet on body , as well as the relationship between the diet and constitution .

  23. 作为方剂性味的多维宏观量化表达的两个重要参数,相对剂量和中药性味量化是本文研究的重要内容。

    As two main parameters of multi-dimensional macroscopic quantification expression of nature and flavor of formula , the relative dosage and quantification number of Nature and Flavor of the medicine are important contents of this research .

  24. 从300张处方中单味药的使用频数来看,脾胃病证的用药占据多数;从药物的性味来看,这些处方用药以补药为主,补药中温补之品又占据半数。

    From 300 prescriptions in the use of single herbs frequency point of view , the spleen and stomach a majority of medication syndrome ; tonic medicine is major drug and in tonic medicine group , warm tonic medicine is major . 6 .

  25. 辣味是一种强烈的刺激性味感,它可以刺激舌头和口腔的味感神经,同时又会刺激鼻腔粘膜、皮肤神经和三叉神经,从而产生尖利的刺痛感和特殊的灼烧感。

    It may stimulate the sapor nerve of tongue and oral cavity , and at the same time , it can stimulate skin verve and trigeminal and the mucilaginous velum of the nasal cavity , consequently bring the keenly feel and the especial burn sense .

  26. 甘温除热法临床运用40例分析结果显示:唐宋元时期治疗消化道脾胃湿热证的药物性味以苦、辛、寒、甘、温为主;

    Analysis of 40 Cases of Clinical Application of Antipyresis by Sweet Warm Remedies The results show : ( 1 ) herbs that were used in Tang , Song and Yuan dynasties were predominantly bitter , pungent , cold , sweet , warm in properties ;

  27. 板蓝根为十字花科菘蓝属植物菘蓝IsatisindigoticaFort的干燥根,性寒味苦,有清热解毒、凉血消肿的功效。

    Isatis indigotica Fort is the dried root of Isatis tinctoria . It has the effects of heat-clearing and detoxicating , cooling blood and detumescence .

  28. 黄芩(ScutellariabaicalensisGeorgi)为唇形科多年生草本植物,其根性寒味苦、具有清热燥湿、泻火解毒、止血、安胎等功效。

    Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi ( S. baicalensis ) is an herbaceous perennial plant used as a medicinal plant , which roots have been used for cleaning away heat , moistening aridity , purging fire , detoxifying toxicosis , and is also anti-abortion agent .

  29. 弹塑性除味焦油防水卷材的研制

    Development of elasto - plastic deodorized tar waterproof sheet

  30. 罗汉果茶一种名贵药材,性凉味甘,功能清肺润肠。

    Mangosteen tea a valuable medicine , and cooler Wei Gan , functional Qingfei Runchang .