
  • 网络psychosexual health
  1. 本研究的主要结果如下:(1)自编的青春期性心理健康问卷具有良好的信度和效度,可以作为测量青春期性心理健康的工具。

    The results of this study are as fellow : ( 1 ) The self-made Questionnaire of Adolescent Psychosexual Health is of high reliability and fair validity , and it can be used as a measure of adolescent psychosexual health .

  2. 大学生情感心理与性心理健康课程教育方法探讨

    Exploration on educational courses for psychological health of affection and sex for university students

  3. 大学生恋爱及性心理健康教育策略研究

    A Study of Educational Strategy on Undergraduates ' Psychological Well-being in Love and Sex

  4. 为此,有必要大力加强大学生性心理健康教育,从而完善我国高等教育体系。

    Therefore , it is necessary to strengthen sex psychology education for college students and perfect the higher education system in China .

  5. 大学生性心理健康教育具有深刻的内涵和深远的意义,它有利于实施大学生素质教育和促进大学生自我成长。

    Sex psychology education for college students have deep and far-reaching significance for the execution of quality education and the self growth of students .

  6. 发展性心理健康教育在女子高校学科学科教学中渗透,是促进女子高校全员参与、多方协作开展发展性心理健康教育的重要途径。

    The infiltration of developmental psychological education into different subject-based teaching is an important path to promote total employee involvement in women 's college .

  7. 对教材深挖细讲,使之成为引导青年学生性心理健康的成功案例。

    ( C ) Explain the teaching material in detail , and make it become a successful case guiding the undergraduates to get health of sex mentality .

  8. 目的:观察性健康知识教育对高职院校学生性心理健康的影响,探索高职院校大学生性健康教育的必要性。

    Objective : To investigate effects of the sexual health education to psychological health of students who study in vocational colleges , and to explore the need for sexual health education .

  9. 采用军用标准规定的SCL-90进行前瞻性的心理健康测查和生理指标观察。

    The prospective psychologic examination for health status and physiological index were used according to the Military SCL 90 Standard .

  10. 16PF的复合人格因素焦虑与安详、内外倾向性、心理健康等也与多项记忆指标显著相关。结论医学生的记忆力与多种人格特征有显著相关,且不同的记忆类型与不同的人格特征组合有关。

    Conclusion Memory of medical students were significantly correlated to vary personality factors .

  11. 方法对50例SLE患者采用焦虑自评量表(SAS)和抑郁自评量表(SDS)进行评估,并根据患者心理状况,采取针对性的心理健康教育。

    Methods Fifty patients with SLE were evaluated by SAS and SDS to estimate the anxiety and depression status . After evaluation , pertinent mental care were applied to SLE patients .

  12. 目的探讨大学生自我同一性与心理健康状况的关系。

    Objective To explore relationship between identity status and mental health .

  13. 大学生自我同一性与心理健康水平关系的研究

    Study on the Relation between the Self-identity of the University Student and the Psychological Health

  14. 自我与经验的一致性是心理健康的重要标志。

    The coherence between the Self-consistency and experience was an important indicator of mental health .

  15. 一项国际性幼儿心理健康教育课程在上海的实施效果研究

    Effectiveness of an International Mental Health Promotion Programme for Young Children : A Study in Shanghai

  16. 军校学员体育活动倾向性与心理健康相关因素研究

    A study on the relationship of students ' physical activity tendency and mental health in military university

  17. 目的研究军校学员体育群体与非体育群体的体育活动倾向性和心理健康状况及相关因素分析。

    Objective To investigate physical activity tendency , mental health and the related factors of gymnastic community and non gymnastic community .

  18. 利用写作,了解学生的思想动向,及时对他们进行有针对性的心理健康教育,有效地促使学生形成健康的人格。

    Using writing to know their ideological intention and give them purpose-oriented psychological and healthy education so as to effectively make students form healthy personality ;

  19. 目的探讨军校大学生心理健康状况、应对方式及相关因素,为学员队有针对性进行心理健康教育提供依据。

    However , military college students have not been involved in the research , though most studies focus on high school students and college students .

  20. 以五位一体心理健康教育模式为载体的大学生心理健康教育模式.旨在为全面提升大学生心理素质提供新的、有效的、具有可操作性的心理健康教育模式。

    The purpose is to provide new , effective and operable educational model for psychological health for the improvement of the psychological quality of college students .

  21. 目的:分析军事院校不同年级学员的心理健康状况,为学员有针对性进行心理健康教育提供依据。

    AIM : To study the mental health status of military college students in different grades , so as to provide evidence for the mental health education aiming at military college students .

  22. 结论贫困医学生的心理健康状况不佳,学校对他们应加强有针对性的心理健康教育和心理咨询工作。

    Conclusion : the mental health status of poor medical students is not good . The work of mental health education and consultation should be accessed according to their mental status for them .

  23. 通过调查发现:目前家庭德育内容主要集中在道德品质(主要是传统礼仪方面)和日常生活能力、人际交往、学习能力方面,但较少进行政治、思想和恋爱及性、心理健康等方面的教育;

    Investigation reveals that current family education mainly focuses on moral quality , daily living ability , interpersonal relation , learning ability and so on and hardly on politics , thought , loving , sexual and psychological education .

  24. 大学新生是高校心理健康教育的重点,为了解新生的心理健康状况,各高校在新生入学后都会开展新生的心理健康普查工作,根据普查结果开展有针对性的心理健康教育。

    [ 1 ] Freshmen are the focus of mental health education . In order to understand the mental health status of students , colleges and universities will carry out the census of freshmen mental health and implement targeted mental health education .

  25. 学生学习适应性在性别上不存在显著差异,但在学习环境中的同学关系维度上存在显著差异,在身心健康中的独立性以及心理健康存在显著差异。

    The students ' adaptive learning does not exist in significant gender differences , however , in the learning environment the dimensions of classmates relationship is significantly different . The adaptability level of the independence of the physical and mental health is significantly different . 4 .

  26. 大学生自我同一性发展与心理健康教育

    The College Student 's Development of the Self-Identity and the Mental-Health Education

  27. 大学生创造性的本体性功能与心理健康

    On the Inherent Function of College Students ' Creativity and Their Mental Health

  28. 坚韧性人格对心理健康没有间接预测作用。

    Hardiness has no indirect effect on mental health .

  29. 广西大学生的性观念与心理健康研究

    A Research on Sexual Concept and Mental Health of College Students in Guangxi

  30. 从心理健康标准的局限性看高校心理健康教育问题

    Psychological Health Education in College Based on the Limitations of Psychological Health Standard