
  • 网络Personality Test
  1. 方法采用内外向性格测验问卷、Zung编制的抑郁自评量表(SDS),对112例中度以上烧伤的住院患者进行调查,并采用描述性、相关性研究方法分析抑郁发生与相关因素的关系。

    Methods 112 cases of burned patient over middle degree were studied and evaluated by the introversion and extroversion questionnaires and self-rating depression scale ( SDS ) and analyzed the occurrence of depression and correlated factors with descriptive correlation study .

  2. 癌症患者内外向性格测验的初步报告

    Test report of characters of introversion and extroversion of cancer patients

  3. IPAT性格幽默测验

    IPAT Humor Test of Personality

  4. 民族和性别因素影响中小学生性格发展的测验研究

    The study on nationality and gender affecting personality development of students aged 11-15

  5. 小学生性格发展的测验研究

    Research on testing the development of pupils ' characteristics

  6. 做个性格测试吧,比如MyersBriggs或DISK性格小测验。

    Do a Personality assessment , like the Myers Briggs or DISK personality profile quizzes .