
  • 网络linear transformation
  1. 再通过一个简单的线性转换,将图像细观结构转换为矢量细观结构;

    Then a simple linear transformation was proposed to transform the actual image data into vector square data for generation of finite meshes or grids .

  2. 针对结构光视觉传感器所组成的多视觉测量系统,本文提出一种直接线性转换全局定标法,把各传感器的模块坐标归结到一个统一的用户坐标中。

    Anning at the actual requirement of a body-in-white visual inspection system , and according to features of two structured light sensors , this paper proposes a global calibration method by using tile direct linear transformation based on describing the multi-visual inspection system calibration in detail .

  3. PCA是十分成熟的用于人脸特征提取的人脸识别算法之一,通过计算原输入的协方差矩阵的特征向量,PCA把高维的输入向量线性转换为低维的不相关向量。

    PCA is a famous method for feature extraction . PCA is capable of linearly converting a high dimensional input vector to a lower dimensional one by calculating the eigenvector of the initially input covariance matrix .

  4. 等离子体钢丝二次谐波辐射的线性转换理论

    Linear conversion theory of the second harmonic emission from plasma filament

  5. 本文对激光等离子体细丝的线性转换理论作了研究。

    The linear conversion theory of laser produced plasma filaments is studied in this paper .

  6. 陶瓷湿度敏感元件的相对湿度-频率的线性转换

    Linear Humidity-to-Frequency Converter with Ceramic Humidity Sensor

  7. 线性转换及线性运算子,特征值扩展,以矩阵表示线性运算子。

    Linear transformations and linear operators , eigenvector expansion , matrices as representations of linear operators .

  8. 分别描述了两个模型的问题描述、建模、线性转换与求解过程。

    The model description , model establishing , linear conversion and solution process are respectively described .

  9. 涵盖的主题包括群、向量空间、线性转换、对称群、双线性结构、线性群等。

    The subjects to be covered include groups , vector spaces , linear transformations , symmetry groups , bilinear forms , and linear groups .

  10. 第二章讨论无交易成本的有高阶矩约束的最优投资组合模型及近似的线性转换。

    In the second chapter , a portfolio selection model under the constraint of higher moments without transaction cost and the linear approaching method are discussed .

  11. 使用者能够快速和方便的更改公式,能从一个求解器转到另一个,甚至稍加费心就能从线性转换到非线性。

    The user can change the formulation quickly and easily , can change from one solver to another , and can even convert from linear to nonlinear with little trouble .

  12. 但是,上述两种转换并非线性转换而是非线性转换,本文给出了模糊数学的隶属度转换和层次分析法的序转换是非线性转换的证明方法。

    However , the above two kinds of conversion is not linear but nonlinear conversion conversion , this paper gives the fuzzy membership degree of conversion and AHP sequence conversion is nonlinear conversion method .

  13. 在此基础上,我们提出了等离子体细丝的二次谱波线性转换理论,在垂直密度梯度方向有较强的二次谐波发射,这与实验结果较为一致。

    Therefore , we have proposed a linear conversion theory on the second harmonic emission from a plasma filament and discovered the intense 2 ω 0 harmonic emission in the direction perpendicular to the density gradient . This is in agreement with the experiments .

  14. 对浓度、温度和流量的测量使用去极值平均滤波技术,并设计一种新型采集电路实现了温度传感器输出的线性转换。

    In the course of measuring luminosity , temperature and velocity of flow , the technology which gets rid of the extreme value and calculates the average value is used . A new kind of circuit which can realize linear transform for the temperature sensor is designed .

  15. 光纤电压互感器利用LED的线性电光转换原理,克服了传统的电磁式互感器的缺点,实现了高低压侧电与磁的隔离及对电能质量的全面监控。

    By the application of the principle of linear transition between electricity and light of LED , optical fiber voltage transformer overcomes the shortcomings of traditional electromagnetic transformer , and realizes the insulating of electricity and magnetism between high and low voltage sides , the monitoring for power quality .

  16. 利用光电探测器将其中的四束1级衍射光的光强线性地转换为电信号,将它们作为神经网络的输入,入射光Stokes参数作为神经网络的输出,建立多层线性神经网络模型。

    The light fluxes of the four 1st order diffracted beams are linearly converted into four electrical signals by a photoelectric conversion circuit . A multilayer linear neural network model is set up whose inputs are the electrical signals , and outputs are the Stokes parameters of the incident light .

  17. 分页部件将线性地址转换为物理地址。

    The paging unit translates linear addresses into physical ones .

  18. 随着激光能量密度的增加,声表面波的幅度由线性变化转换为非线性变化。

    With the increase of the incident power density , the amplitude of SAW changes from linear to nonlinear .

  19. 我们发现在不均匀等离子体中激发的尾波场在一定条件下可以通过线性模式转换产生电磁辐射。

    However , it has recently been found that the laser wakefield can , under certain conditions , radiate in inhomogeneous plasma through so-called mode conversion .

  20. 发现对垂直入射的高功率的电子回旋波,在进入线性模转换层以前,参量不稳定性可以发生。

    It is found that for the high power nearly perpendicular incident , electron cyclotron wave parametric processes may occur before it encounters the linear mode-conversion-layer .

  21. 在协议分析过程中,针对微机监测系统的网络特点,主要对TCP/IP协议进行分析;而在归一化方面,主要采用线性函数转换归一化。其次,对预处理后的数据进行特征提取。

    In the process of protocol analysis , for the network characteristics of supervision system , analysis TCP / IP protocol respectively ; In respect of normalization , mainly adopts linear function conversion normalization . Then , feature extraction is for the data after pretreatment .

  22. 实验表明,aSe合金膜具有线性的光电转换特性;灵敏度与场强有关。

    The results show that linear photoelectric conversion existed in a Se alloy film , and its sensitivity to X ray irradiation depends on electric field .

  23. 飞秒相干光场激发固体样品的线性与上转换荧光光谱研究

    Femtosecond Coherently Excited Solid State Materials for Linear Fluorescence and Upconversion

  24. 半导体光放大器全光采样的线性度与转换效率表征

    Characterization on Linearity and Conversion Efficiency of All-Optical Sampling Based on Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers

  25. 外推单位增益频率-线性放大器新增转换股后每股最小收益率

    Extrapolated unity-gain frequency fully diluted earnings per share

  26. 线性地址的转换分两步走,每一步都基于一个转换表。

    The translation of linear addresses is accomplished in two steps , each based on a type of translation table .

  27. 然而,这种线性运动必须转换成旋转运动来驱动车轮,车卡车。

    However , this linear motion must be changed into rotary motion to turn the wheels of cars of trucks .

  28. 实验结果显示,非晶硒具有线性的光电转换特性,其灵敏度随场强的增加而增加。

    The results show that α Se has linear photoelectric conversion properties , and its sensitivity depends on electric field ( F ) .

  29. 借由将语义动作黏附到这个层次中的很多黏附点上,我们可以将平滑的线性输入流转换成结构性的对象。

    By attaching semantic actions to various points in this hierarchy , in effect we can transform the flat linear input stream into a structured representation .

  30. 利用HSO实现高精度、线性化的D/A转换

    The realization of a high precision & linearization D / A converter by HSO