
  • Coil connection;coil tie
  1. 放电线圈连接方式的探讨

    Discussion on Connection Type of Electric Discharge Coil

  2. 交流电机转子绕组中复合线圈连接原理研究一种新型感应电动机转子绕组&无感绕组的研究

    An Investigation on Connections for Composite Coils Used in Partially Non-Inductive Windings in Pole-Changing Motors Wound-Rotor Induction Motors with Inductionless Winding

  3. 有多根电缆的同一回路中零序电流互感器的选择和二次线圈的连接方式

    Preliminary Discussion on Selection of Zero-sequence Current Transformers and Connection of their Secondary Coils on the Same Circuit with Multi-Cable

  4. 为计算12/3相双绕组异步发电机多达上百的相间槽漏感,在槽比漏磁导求取和绕组与线圈边连接关系确定方面采用了新的分析方法。

    In order to calculate hundreds of phase slot leakage inductances of a 12 / 3-phase dual stator-winding induction generator , new analysis methods are utilized to acquire slot leakage permeances and determine relationships between windings and coil sides .

  5. 研究还发现在经编加工后线圈结构在连接部位已存在一定的不均匀性,这是人造血管在周向拉伸中该部位具有高断裂的主要原因。

    The unhomogeneity of the loop 's structure in the remeshing lines was found after the vascular prosthesis has been warp knitted , which is the main reason why .

  6. 热电阻传感器、电桥电路、单电源运放、单片计算机、动磁线圈依次电连接;

    The thermal resistance temperature sensor , the electric-bridge circuit , the single power supply op amp , the monolithic computer and the moving magnetic coil are electrically connected in sequence .

  7. 在涡流检测中,检测线圈是用来连接测试仪器和被测试件的敏感元件,它是涡流检测中的传感器,被检试件的信息是通过线圈阻抗(或感应电压)的变化反映出来的。

    In the eddy-current testing , testing coil is the sensitive component connecting the specimen and the instrument , so it is called transducer . The information of the test specimen is reflected by the variation of the coil impedance ( or induced voltage ) .

  8. 介绍一种由多层平面螺旋线圈和印刷线路连接板构成绕组的新颖回扫变压器。

    Presented is a novel Fly Back Transformer formed with multilayer plane spiral coils and connecting PCBs and its assembly technology .

  9. 其中电机启动触点连接数字输入模块,电机继电器线圈和电磁阀线圈连接数字输出模块,液位计和流量计连接模拟量输入模块。

    Electric machine contact points are link to DI module . The coils of electric machine relay and electromagnetic valve are link to DO module . Level gauges and flowmeters are link to AI module .

  10. 管箍检测技术采用一个激励线圈激磁,两个相同的检测线圈采取差动连接方式进行检测。

    Pipe hoop testing technology uses an incentive coil to get excitation and two identical testing coil connected through a differential way for testing .

  11. 方案中探测线圈的设计是比较重要的部分,接收线圈采用差分连接的方式,对射频EAS的高频干扰有极强的抗干扰能力。

    The design of detecting coil is an important part in the scheme . The receiving coil of it is differential connection and has a strong anti-interference ability to the interference which is from the RF EAS .

  12. 对三相交流电磁铁吸力进行了具体分析、比较,发现三相交流电磁铁中采用两个电磁线圈后对电路的失压保护作用更大,并给出两线圈端点连接的最佳方式。

    Based on analysing and comparing the attraction of three-phase alternating electromagnetic core , we discovered that the protection of two-coil electromagnetic core for circuit 's voltage-losing and gave the optimized linking way of the coils ' points on the ends .