
yǔ yì cénɡ
  • semantic stratum
  1. 在该模式中,语言系统是一个关系网络系统,与此同时,语言系统的关系网络又是一个层级组织,主要涉及概念层、语义层、词汇语法层、语音层等。

    In CFM , the linguistic system is a hierarchical organization that involves conceptual stratum , semantic stratum , grammatical stratum , phonological stratum and so forth .

  2. 对于合法的XML文挡,该XML信息提取器可以直接利用其DTD进行语义层的信息提取。

    The XML information exactor can get semantic information directly from the DTD of a valid XML document .

  3. 常用的方案是发展自动分析技术从视频中提取元数据(metadata)来对视频内容进行语义层的描述。

    It is a common theme to develop automatic analysis techniques for deriving metadata to describe the video content at semantic level .

  4. MDM模型为层次结构,由内容层、逻辑层、表现层和语义层组成,具有良好的可扩展性。

    MDM is hierarchical with content layer , logical layer , represent layer and semantic layer .

  5. 基于Web应用程序,用户通过浏览器,直接或通过语义层使用数据源,完成各种报表的设计,生成报表模板及数据自动汇总。

    Based on the Web application , the users can use the data source to achieve the reports design , generate the reports template and data auto-summary directly or by the semantic layer on Web browser .

  6. 实现从语义层到P2P层映射的最关键问题就是维数不匹配问题,因此采用有效的降维算法需要进一步的深入研究。

    The main issue to implement mapping from semantic layer to P2P layer is the mismatch of dimensions . How to reduce dimensions still needs further investigation .

  7. 所提取的信息由自动生成的SQL语句进行数据库存储,可实现相关XML应用的语义层数据交换。

    The exacted information can be stored in a database by the SQL statement automatically generated by the exactor , information can be semantically exchanged between the compliant XML applications .

  8. 提出了一种基于J2EE技术,用于电力信息系统的平台设计方案,并着重介绍了平台的语义层设计与实现。

    This paper presents a designing schema of platform using for information system of electric power based on J2EE , and emphasizes on the design and implementation of semantic tier .

  9. IP多媒体通信系统分别在媒体会话控制层、媒体数据承载层和内容语义层引入P2P技术。

    An overlay network of distributed multimedia communication system is therefore constructed.P2P technologies are introduced into IP multimedia communication system on media session control layer , data transportation layer and content semantic layer respectively .

  10. 通过在基于云计算的分布式存储系统上覆盖语义层,从而在DHT网络中实现语义搜索。

    Through cover the semantic layer on the cloud-based distributed storage system , realize semantic search in the DHT network .

  11. Halliday(1994)提出,语言存在三个层次:语义层、词汇语法层和音系层。

    Halliday ( 1994 ) considered that language consists of three levels : semantic layer , lexical and grammatical level , and phonology .

  12. 本文引入了一种形式化工作流模型&同步网模型(Synnet),该模型将Petri网和Cnet相结合,将工作流建模分为逻辑层、语义层和执行层三层进行分析。

    Synchronization net model ( Syn_net ), a formal workflow model of Petri-net-based and C_net-based , is introduced in this paper , which divides the workflow model to three levels , logic layer , semantic layer and execute layer .

  13. 系统使用XML和XSLT作为报表展现的主要实现技术,并通过引入数据语义层主题的概念,简化了报表制作的复杂性。

    The system uses XML and XSLT as the main realization technology of the report form show . And through introducing data semantics level " Topic " concept , simplified the complexity of the report form define .

  14. 本文根据IMDB中视频的信息,撇开视频低层信息,从语义层定义视频实体。

    The low-level information from the video is casted away to define the video entity on semantic-level .

  15. 一种基于语义层的J2EE-ERP电力信息系统平台设计

    Designing Platform Based on Semantic Tier of J2EE-ERP Using for Information System of Electric Power

  16. 第二,应用BI系统的语义层定义与数据仓库中数据之间的联系,使用用户熟悉的业务术语命名维度和度量,这样可以使用户不必了解数据库的内部结构和那些复杂繁琐的数据库技术术语;

    Secondly , use universe of BI system begins to define the relation among data in data warehouse , name dimension and measurement with business glossary that customer is used to apply . Which makes customers avoid learning the inside structure of database and complicated database glossary ;

  17. 从会晤层,模式层和语义层三个层次对数据库应用层的入侵攻击进行检测;

    Focusing on database application-level intrusion behaviors ; ( 2 ) .

  18. 基于语义层软件理解的形式化格局识别技术

    Formal Plan Recognizing Technique Based on Semantic Layer Software Comprehension

  19. 这表明在汉语词汇产生过程中,字形层的激活能反馈至语义层。

    This suggested that there was feedback from orthographic activation to semantic activation .

  20. 语义层的前景化主要集中在新闻标题中暗喻、提喻、转喻及双关等的使用。

    Foregrounding at the semantic level principally turns up in the news headlines .

  21. 语义层向论元结构的映射要接受题元驱动和体驱动的作用。

    The mapping from semantics to argument structure is subject to thematic driven-mechanism and aspectual driven-mechanism .

  22. 在语义层的查询处理是进行面向语义的信息集成中的一个重要过程。

    Query processing in the semantic layer is an important process in the semantics-oriented information integration .

  23. 制造活动所需的零件信息通过语义层提供。

    The part information which are required by manufacturing activities are provided by the semantic information .

  24. 这里提出基于本体的语义层,通过构建领域端本体和数据端本体实现语义层的建立。

    Here , the proposed ontology-based semantic layer is created by constructing the field ontology and data ontology .

  25. 它把描述零件的信息分为三个层次:零件的总体描述层、零件的语义层和零件的几何层。

    The information describing part are divided into the overall specification , the semantic information and the geometric information .

  26. 本文为实现教育资源在语义层的应用,做出了探索性的工作。

    This paper has made the exploration work for the realization education resources in the application of semantic level .

  27. 演讲的人生要义及其它试论语境在转变语义层对语义的实现功能

    Making a Speech and its Meaning in Life Context : The Making of Meaning in the Transformed Semantic Level

  28. 在定位功能语义层中,揭示了基元体几何元素和实际工程结构对定位尺寸的影响。

    In the locating level , the influence of geometric elements and engineering structures on locating dimensions is expressed .

  29. 在基于本体的语义层上创建报表,可以有效解决报表系统易用性和灵活性问题。

    It can effectively improve the ease usage and flexibility of reporting tools by building reports upon the ontology-based semantic layer .

  30. 最后一层是应用层,它通常是一个语义层,能够理解要传输的数据。

    Finally , there 's the application layer , which is commonly the semantic layer that understands the data being moved .