
yǔ piān fēn xī
  • discourse analysis
  1. 该中心在语篇分析研究方面成果丰硕。

    The Centre has a strong record of research in discourse analysis .

  2. 谈谈语篇分析中的CP和PP原则

    Research on the Cooperative Principle and Politeness Principle of Discourse Analysis

  3. 由于缺乏具体的研究尺度,批评性语篇分析方法常常与其它语言手段一起结合使用,其中系统功能语言学(SystemicFunctionalLinguistics)是最常采用的语言工具。

    However , with no specific research device , CDA always goes together with other linguistic means , among which Systemic Functional Linguistics ( SFL ) is the most frequent adoption .

  4. 为了考察汉文化的修辞模式及其表现形式,选用学生ESL作文作为分析样本,请美国著名语言学家和语篇分析专家WallaceChafe进行评判,并对评判结果进行分析和归类。

    To examine Chinese cultural thought patterns , text samples are selected from students ' ESL writings , and are measured and evaluated by the American linguist Wallace Chafe .

  5. 批评语篇分析(CDA)是分析政治语篇,包括公众演说常用的分析框架。

    The critical discourse analysis is often applied to analyze political discourses including the public speech , in which the speaker tactically wins favorite response from the audience that advantages their cause .

  6. 介绍语篇分析开始,解释了Hoey的语篇分析理论,并将这一理论应用于教学实践中,分析了《21世纪大学英语》教材中的一篇范文。

    Starting from the introduction of discourse , this paper tries to explain Hoey 's theory of discourse analysis and applies it in the practice of the teaching of a text in 21st Century College English .

  7. 语篇分析指导下的高级英语教学

    The Study on Advanced English Teaching from Perspective of Text Analysis

  8. 浅谈语篇分析中的小句关系对英语教学的新启示

    Enlightenment of Clause Relation in Discourse Analysis on Modern English Teaching

  9. 浅析中文房地产广告中的意识形态&以批评性语篇分析理论为视角

    Analyzing Chinese Real Estate Advertisements : A Critical Discourse Analytical Approach

  10. 语篇分析在高考完型填空中的应用

    Application of Discourse Analysis in Cloze in National Matriculation English Test

  11. 语篇分析在大学英语听力教学中的运用(英文)

    On the Application of Discourse Analysis to College English Listening ;

  12. 从语篇分析理论看汉英语篇翻译中的衔接与连贯

    Cohesion and Coherence in Chinese-English Textual Translation from Text Analysis Perspective

  13. 节假日调整方案调查问卷的批评性语篇分析

    Critical Discourse Analysis of a Questionnaire on Proposal for Holiday Overhaul

  14. 评价理论;态度;多模态语篇分析;电影语篇;

    Appraisal Theory ; Attitude ; Multimodal Discourse Analysis ; Film Discourse ;

  15. 文章旨在介绍批评性语篇分析方法及其在语篇分析中的运用。

    This paper introduces critical discourse analysis of a text .

  16. 探讨批评性语篇分析在阅读大众媒体语篇中的积极作用,有助于增强读者对语言的敏感度,提高批评性语言意识及分析能力。

    The discussion will help readers enhance their awareness and analysis ability .

  17. 对《中国日报》英语新闻报道的功能语篇分析

    A Functional Textual Analysis of the English News Reports in China Daily

  18. 在实验班,语篇分析理论在教学中被采用。

    In the experimental class , discourse theory was adopted during teaching .

  19. 第二章是从概念功能角度探讨语篇分析。

    Chapter two discusses discourse analysis through the ideational function .

  20. 主位推进模式与作为听力材料的人物介绍语篇分析

    Pattern of Thematic Sequencing and Analysis of Personality Discourse in Listening Comprehension

  21. 因此系统功能语法在语篇分析中是可行的。

    Therefore , functional grammar is applicable to discourse analysis .

  22. 对《时尚》杂志的批评语篇分析

    A Critical Discourse Analysis of A White-Collar Magazine & Fashion

  23. 从英语写作看中西思维模式差异&语篇分析法

    A Textual Analysis of Discrepancies of Mode of Thinking on English Writing

  24. 语篇分析研究交际中的语言,描述语言使用及语言理解的途径。

    Discourse analysis is concerned with a study of language in use .

  25. 句法理论视角下的英语奥运语篇分析

    An English Olympic News Discourse Analysis from the Perspective of Syntactic Theories

  26. 从英语语篇分析角度看词汇同现现象

    Study of " Co - occurrence " from the Text Analysis Perspective

  27. 从语篇分析看英语阅读技能的培养

    Training English Reading Skills from the Perspective of Discourse Analysis

  28. 批评性语篇分析:理论概述与实例分析

    Critical Discourse Analysis : Theoretical Overview and Case Studies

  29. 英语广告;语篇分析;系统功能语法;功能语法。

    English advertisement ; discourse analysis ; systemic functional grammar ; functional grammar .

  30. 语篇分析在外国文学教学中的应用

    Application of Discourse Analysis Theories in Foreign Literature Teaching