
yǔ yán cénɡ cì
  • linguistic level;language strata
  1. 语言动力学研究的实质是如何通过词计算在语言层次上动态地有效利用信息,解决复杂系统的建模、分析、控制和评估问题。

    The objective of linguistic dynamic systems is to use computing with words for effective utilization of information at a linguistic level , and for modeling , analysis , control , and evaluation of complex systems .

  2. XML语言层次设计机理

    The Mechanism of the Extensible Markup Language

  3. 本文创建了γω演算,它在语言层次方面远高于curry合成逻辑(简称C逻辑),但在理论上依然奠基在C逻辑之上。

    This paper established γω - calculus which is theoretically based on Curry 's combinatory logic ( C logic ) while higher than C logic in the language level .

  4. 语言层次和学习策略呈显著地相关性。

    The relationship between language proficiency and learning strategies is closely correlated .

  5. 文化转向将翻译研究从语言层次的规定性研究转向文化观照下的描述性研究。

    Cultural Turn has transformed translation studies from the prescriptive studies concerning languages to descriptive studies in terms of cultures .

  6. 其语言层次论也提供了一种很好的解悖方案,对演绎科学也有积极的意义。

    Meanwhile , the theory also provided a better Paradox solution and has a positive influence on the deductive science as well .

  7. 学习动机三层次&学习者的学习动机有语言层次,学习者层次和学习条件。

    The three levels of motivation-on the level of language , on the level of language learners and on the level of study condition .

  8. 现代俄语口语研究呈现出一个不可忽视的倾向,即口语这一概念所包涵的内容越来越多和涵盖的范围越来越大,已经涉及到所有的语体和语言层次。

    The research on modern colloquial Russian has taken a noticeable trend towards a more comprehensive and broader interpretation of the concept of colloquial speech .

  9. 而电影作为一种跨文化交流的形式,其字幕翻译不仅涉及到语言层次,同时也涉及到文化层次。

    Since film is regarded as a form of cultural exchange , its subtitle translation needs to cover both the cultural level and the linguistic level .

  10. 随着翻译研究的发展,翻译理论家认识到翻译不仅仅是语言层次上的问题,更是文化层次上的问题。

    Along with the development of translation study , translation theorists have realized that translation is not just a matter of language but also a matter of culture .

  11. 但是汉语在词类这个语言层次上存在着许多歧义结构,这给汉语的自动句法分析带来了难以逾越的障碍。

    But there are too many syntactic ambiguities in Chinese , and it is not easy to parse the Chinese sentences automatically only with the Part of Speech tagging .

  12. 其实,从哲学基本问题和语言层次的观点来分析,这些不可说的东西并不神秘,我们的语言有相对地表达这些东西的方式,同时又有其局限性。

    In fact , from the viewpoint of the basic philosophy and the hierarchy of languages ," the things that cannot be put into words " are not mystical .

  13. 作为中国传统艺术精神核心的老庄哲学与之有着内在联系,它们都体现出对艺术人格修养的无限追求和对审美语言层次的探索。

    Lao zhuang philosophy , the central spirit of Chinese traditional art , has much to do with it , and both them show the pursuit to art personality and exploration to aesthetic language .

  14. 互动论由里查德最先提出,由布莱克发展,虽然有点认知研究的味道,但仍局限在语言层次上的研究。

    The Interaction Theory was first put forward by Richards and later developed by Black . Although it touched metaphor study in a somewhat cognitive way , it was limited on the level of language .

  15. 本文按照图式在不同认知和语言层次作用失败的标准,将误解分成了六大类,并举例一一进行了阐述说明。

    According to the failure of schema function in both cognitive and linguistic levels when interpreting an utterance , the author classifies verbal misunderstanding into six types with each type illustrated by concrete misunderstanding cases .

  16. 随着20世纪70年代翻译研究中的文化转向,翻译研究逐步从传统的语言层次转到文化层次上来,翻译研究的的重点也从作者转向读者,从原语文化转向译入语文化。

    With the cultural turn in translation studies of the 1970s , the focus of translation studies gradually changed from the language level to the cultural level and from the original author to the reader .

  17. 该文首先剖析了移动代码的计算过程,在此基础上讨论了移动代码在生成环境、执行环境采取的安全机制,并从语言层次的角度分析了移动代码的安全性。

    This paper analyzes the computing procedure of mobile code , and then discusses security mechanisms in cre-ation environment and execution environment , later , it analyzes mobile code security from the point of language level of mobile code .

  18. 第五章利用词汇重复模式对实际例子进行主客观分析,并分别解释语篇的语言层次上和语言层次外的连贯。

    The fifth chapter focuses on how to use lexical repetition pattern to analyze textual coherence objectively and subjectively . Also , it is its concern to discuss how the two kinds of analysis explain linguistic-level coherence and outside-language coherence .

  19. 文章简要论述了塔尔斯基真理论的主要内容,从逻辑语义学的诞生和语言层次论的提出两个方面对塔尔斯基真理论作了评价。

    In this article , I account briefly the chief content of Tarski 's theory of truth and the appraisal for Tarski 's theory of truth from two respects : the birth of logical semantics and the raise of the hierarchy theory of languges .

  20. 基于概念格的Java语言类层次分析研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of the Class Hierarchy Analysis for Java Language Based on Concept Lattice

  21. 同时针对嵌入式系统的优缺点,从通用C语言的层次和解码算法上提出了局部优化思路。

    According to the advantages and disadvantages of embedded system , this thesis give part optimization design on the general C language level and video decoding algorithms .

  22. 介绍了应用VHDL语言以及层次化自顶向下的设计方法设计的音乐存储和回放电路,并进行电路的仿真,综合并下载实现。

    The circuit of music storage and play is designed by using VHDL hardware description language and top to down method , it is simulated and synthesized by Max + Plus ⅱ .

  23. 通过对Verilog语言的层次化建模、门级建模、数据流级建模、行为建模、开关级建模等各个抽象层次的研究,全面阐述了Verilog的建模方法。

    Through analyzing the hierarchical modeling , gate-level modeling , dataflow modeling , behavioral modeling and switch-level modeling , this paper expounds the modeling method of Verilog HDL .

  24. 语言外层次主要从文化因素与社会因素角度进行分析。

    And outer linguistic level is analyzed from cultural factors and social factors .

  25. 语言的层次、理解与翻译

    Linguistic Levels , Understanding and Translation

  26. 语言内层次又可再分为语言内容与语言形式。

    The part of inner linguistic level can be divided into linguistic content and linguistic form .

  27. 该文法的主要工作机制就是对语言各个层次的单位进行同义转换,其强大的转换能力对建立汉语词汇与句法转换规则具有重要作用。

    Its powerful transformational capability will be very useful in building transformational rules in treating Chinese lexicon and syntax .

  28. 论文讨论了一种通过自然语言语义层次的理解来协助提高脱机手写体识别率的方法。

    In this paper , we discuss a new method to effectively improve offline handwritten character recognition through semantic analysis .

  29. 文化的翻译等值层次,首先应该达到文化语义层次的翻译等值,然后才是文化语言形式层次的等值。

    The equivalence levels in the translation of culture lies firstly in the equivalence of meaning , secondly the equivalence of cultural linguistic form and writing style .

  30. 再论语言的层次结构&语义层在语言研究中的地位阿尔泰语言构形成分的句法层次问题

    How Meaning Is Positioned in the Hierarchical Structure of Language : A Second Look ; The Syntactic Tiers of Altaic Inflectional Suffixes & An Approach of Generative Syntax