
  • 网络Cute Cat;Sweet Cat
  1. 这里有五只可爱的猫想要家。

    Five cute cats here want homes .

  2. 看,桌子下面有一只可爱的猫。

    Look , a lovely cat is under the table .

  3. 我得到了一只很可爱的猫。

    I got the cat which is very cute .

  4. 在这张图片上有一只可爱的猫。

    In the picture there is a lovely cat .

  5. 我有一只可爱的猫。

    I 've a lovely cat .

  6. 如果你真想看可爱的猫,那就预定一次台湾长荣航空公司的航班吧。

    If you want a real dose of cute cat , book a flight with Taiwan airline EVA Air .

  7. 胖猫、可爱的猫、长得丑的猫、卡通猫:我们就是喜欢喵星人,怎么都不够。

    Fat cats , cute cats , ugly cats , cartoon cats : we cant get enough of them .

  8. 她被《早安美国》宣布为世界上最可爱的猫,和演员罗伯特德尼罗共同亮相于该节目。她还在在翠贝卡电影节上获得最佳网络故事片的纪录片中担任主角。

    Shes been declared the Cutest Cat in the World by Good Morning America , posed with actor Robert De Niro , and been the subject of a documentary that won the Best Online Feature Film award at the Tribeca Film Festival .

  9. 我们有一只很可爱的波斯猫,一个美丽的小东西。

    We had a very nice Persian cat , a very beautiful thing .

  10. 这是如此可爱的一只猫。

    Here is such lovely cat .

  11. 她是一只可爱的白色花斑猫——与之前那只他深爱的猫是那么的不同,然而又是那么的相同。

    She was a lovely calico and white ... very different from his earlier beloved Cat and very much the same .

  12. 在CES2020消费电子展上,消费级机器人绝对是一个更具代表性的小工具,但其中最可爱的当属“火星猫”,这是一款新的机器宠物,来自工业机器人初创公司——大象机器人公司。

    At CES 2020 , one of the more well-represented gadget categories was definitely consumer robots - but none was more adorable than MarsCat , a new robo-pet from industrial robot startup Elephant Robotics .

  13. 托尔多是一只可爱的黑白相间的猫,它现在3岁,居住在意大利北部的蒙塔那那。

    Toldo -- a cute , 3-year-old black and white cat living in Montagnana , northern Italy .