
  • 网络Sustainable City
  1. 我们支持亚太经合组织城镇化伙伴关系倡议,承诺建立亚太经合组织可持续城市合作网络。

    We support APEC partnership initiatives on urbanization and undertake to establish a cooperative network of sustainable cities in APEC economies .

  2. 在全球化、信息化的时代背景下,建设可持续城市、和谐城市已成为各国城市发展的共同目标。

    In the background of globalization and information technology , building sustainable cities , harmonious cities has become a common goal of urban development in every country .

  3. 约束性单元自动演化CA模型及可持续城市发展形态的模拟

    Constrained Cellular Automata for Modelling Sustainable Urban Forms

  4. 实施可持续城市机动性政策的困难&以法国城市交通出行规划(PDU)为例

    The Difficulties of the Implementation of a " Durable " Mobility Policy : The case of Urban Transportation Plans in France

  5. 为了应对这些挑战,北京制定了以TOD(公共交通引导城市发展)为核心的可持续城市发展模式。

    In order to cope with these challenges , Beijing has set the TOD ( transit oriented development ) as one of its core theories of sustainable development .

  6. 宜居:可持续城市化治理理念研究

    Amiable Settlement : The Study of the Governess Ideology on Sustainable Urbanization

  7. 大型可持续城市开发:从纽约到洛杉矶的经验

    Large-scale Sustainable Urban Development : Experience from New York to Los Angeles

  8. 实现可持续城市水资源管理的系统途径

    A System Approach Towards Sustainable Management of Urban Water Resources

  9. 走可持续城市交通之路论可持续发展的消费模式

    Toward Sustainable Urban Transport On the Sustainable Development Consumption Pattern

  10. 可持续城市与娱乐产业的空间关系

    The spatial relationship between sustainable city and urban recreational industry

  11. 可持续城市设计:议题、研究和项目

    Sustainable urban design : issues , research and projects

  12. 空间的正义&当代中国可持续城市化的基本走向

    Space Justice & Contemporary China towards the sustainable urbanization

  13. 中国可持续城市形态构建研究

    Study on Sustainable Development of Urban Form of China

  14. 可持续城市发展的生态原则及其对策

    City ecology and ecological principle of sustainable city development

  15. 基于准动态生态效率分析的可持续城市生活垃圾管理

    Sustainable Municipal Solid Waste Management Based on Quasi-dynamic Eco-efficiency

  16. 巴西可持续城市机动性政策的实施

    Implementation of sustainable urban mobility policy in Brazil

  17. 可持续城市设计的生态观念

    The Ecological Concept of Sustainable Urban Design

  18. 根据对于其内涵的分析,提出相应的区域可持续城市化水平的评价指标体系。

    It aims to build the structure of index system of assessment on sustainable urbanization .

  19. 城市建设对水系的影响及可持续城市排水系统的应用

    Effect on natural water system of urban construction and sustainable utilization of urban wastewater discharge system

  20. 可持续城市住区的理论探讨

    Theoretical Approach to Sustainable Urban Habitation

  21. 可持续城市发展论坛

    Forum for Sustainable Urban Development

  22. 可持续城市生活垃圾管理是城市可持续发展的重要组成部分。

    Sustainable municipal solid waste management ( MSWM ) is a crucial part of sustainable development strategy .

  23. 洁净煤技术是长株潭可持续城市发展战略的现实选择

    The actuality Selection Clean Coal Technology for Sustainable City Development Strategy in Changsha , zhuzhou and xiangtan

  24. 可持续城市发展要求把城市管理理解为多元主体共同参与的城市治理过程。

    The sustainable urban development requires that we should take urban administration as processes participated by many departments .

  25. 从影响城市化的内因和外因两方面构建了可持续城市化支撑体系。

    It builds the support system of sustainable urbanization from the both internal and external factors which influence the urbanization .

  26. 密集/分散到紧凑/松散&可持续城市形态和上海青浦规划再思考

    From the Dense City to the Compact City : Rethinking on the Sustainable Urban Form for Future Qingpu District , Shanghai

  27. 胡绍基是在美国出生、接受教育并担任政府官员的城市规划专家。他的研究方向是可持续城市发展和交通发展。

    Michael Woo is an U.S. - born and-trained urban planner and local government official whose focus on sustainable urban development and transportation .

  28. 综上,城市设计是营造可持续城市,处理城市建成环境的重要方法。

    Above all , urban design is a significant approach that takes care of the urban built environment for creating a sustainable urban .

  29. 第七部分对我国城市化发展趋势进行预测,第八部分提出加速我国可持续城市化进程对策和建议。

    Seventhly , the future trend of China urbanization was estimated ; eighthly , suggestions and measures for accelerating sustainable urbanization were brought forward .

  30. 除此之外.规划完全有能力在睿智发展和紧凑城市的两个领域推动中国可持续城市发展。

    Smart growth and compact city should be the two paradigms for China 's urban sustainability that urban planning can make a significant contribution .