
jì shù zhuān jiā
  • technical expert;technologist
  1. 作为超威半导体(AMD)的新CEO,这位经验丰富的技术专家也由此成为《财富》500强企业中仅有的25名女性CEO之一。

    As Advanced Micro Devices AMD 1.16 % new CEO , the long-time technologist also became one of the 25 women CEOs in the Fortune 500 .

  2. 显然,最理想的伴侣是收入颇丰的技术专家。

    the most desirable partner being , obviously , a well-paid technologist .

  3. 当时,许多技术专家对那种工艺抱有疑问。

    Many technical experts at the time had doubts about the technology .

  4. 呈现给观众的任何一次演出都会有一个由艺术家、技术专家、经理、音乐家或作家团队参加的巡演大巴,这些人一起创造引人入胜的艺术。

    Any given performance takes a tour bus full of artists , technical experts , managers , musicians , or writers to create an appealing piece of art .

  5. 但是,银行家们称技术专家官员不过在虚张声势,并且还会乐观的继续借贷业务

    However , bankers called the technocrats ' bluff and proceeded to lend with gusto .

  6. 企业巨头所剩无几,大多已被“技术专家”所代替,这些人成了公司的领导

    Few business barons remained . They were replaced by " technocrats , " who became the heads of corporations .

  7. 业内的技术专家们在周一首次看到了Surface平板电脑。

    Technology analysts got their first look at the Surface Tablet on Monday .

  8. 对XML技术专家而言,重要的是提醒自己一些领域的开发人员并不使用XML。

    It 's important for XML technologists to remind themselves that some families and phylum of developers do not work with XML .

  9. 做音频技术专家与中国市场共赢&访CirrusLogic公司总裁兼CEODavidFrench

    Cirrus Logic : The Global Audio Technology Specialist & Its Win-win China Strategy

  10. 火电厂综合评选FGD技术专家系统的研究

    Research on Expert System for Choosing FGD Technology in Coal-Fired Plants

  11. 同时,技术专家们正着手降低DNA测序成本,使个人基因组可以在基因芯片上按程序读出。

    Meanwhile , technologists are working to drive down the costs of DNA sequencing so individual human genomes can routinely be read out on gene chips .

  12. 冠华现在是IBM全球服务网络的信息技术专家,并正参与一个大型的应用发展项目。

    Joseph is now an IT specialist at IBM Global Services , where he is working on a large application development project .

  13. FoxVanAllen是一名技术专家,他也认为Surface看来功能比iPad要多。

    Fox Van Allen is a technology expert . He agrees the Surface seems to have more to offer than the iPad .

  14. ISO公开规范(ISO/PAS)表明一个ISO工作组内技术专家间已达成一致。

    An ISO Publicly Available Specification ( ISO / PAS ) represents an agreement between technical experts in an ISO working group .

  15. 通过综合集成先进的CAD、MIS及在线加工技术专家长期积累的专家知识,实现了一个从需求分析、虚拟仿真到施工方案制定的冶金设备在线加工方案实施和知识管理的计算机支持系统。

    A computer system supporting requirement management , virtual maintaining and processing plan is developed through integrating advanced CAD , MIS and expert knowledge in Online Processing .

  16. 然而,技术专家曾誓言,2020年至2030年将预示着“奇点”(TheSingularity)——电脑变得比人类更聪明的时刻——的到来。

    Yet technologists have promised that 2020 to 2030 will herald The Singularity , the time when computers become smarter than humans .

  17. 生物技术专家ThaiNguyen说,越南在为促进更加健康的社会发展生物技术方面正在取得快速进展。

    Vietnam is making rapid progress in developing biotechnology for a healthier society , says biotech expert Thai Nguyen .

  18. 在将秋明BP打造成最成功石油生产商之一的过程中,这些技术专家发挥了巨大作用,(他们的离开)将会影响公司的业绩。

    These technical experts have played a huge part in making TNK-BP one of the most successful oil producers and [ their departure ] will have an impact on the company 's performance .

  19. 本课程对那些计划部署或支持MPLS部署的网络技术专家、网络管理员和行政管理人员而言,非常有用。

    This session is designed to be particularly useful for networking technologists , network managers , and executives planning to deploy or support MPLS deployments .

  20. 正如NPR新闻的汤姆·古莱顿所报道的,这样的预测与最近由技术专家们做出的一致。

    As NPR 's Tom Gjelten reports the prediction coincides with others made recently by technical experts .

  21. 基于以上考虑,我在土木工业方向上的人生目标从做一名技术专家转向做一名像X先生那样的职业项目经历。

    According to above consideration , I at flashing industry square upward of life target from is a technique expert to change direction to do1 to be like X a Sir so of occupation item experience .

  22. 但国会阻止了OSHA选任第一流的科学技术专家进入咨询委员会。

    Congress prevented OSHA from appointing to its advisory committees leading technical and scientific experts .

  23. 7月份,他在ComicCon漫展上告诉观众们说,现实生活里,他得让曼请来的技术专家教他怎么用十个手指打字,而不是用两个食指。

    In real life , he told a Comic Con audience in July , he had to have one of Mr. Mann 's tech experts teach him how to type with more than two fingers .

  24. 技术专家表示,各银行正努力跟随谷歌(Google)、Facebook这类公司的步伐,有优势的往往是规模较小的银行,或者在金融危机过后被迫彻底再创的银行。

    As banks scramble to keep pace with the likes of Google and Facebook , technology experts say it is often smaller lenders , or those that have been forced to reinvent themselves following the financial crisis , that have the edge .

  25. 伦敦市长鲍里斯•约翰逊(BorisJohnson)提出新设立一种伦敦签证,方便全球各地有才能的技术专家和时尚设计师在英国首都找到工作。

    Boris Johnson , London mayor , has proposed a new London visa which would make it easier for talented tech experts and fashion designers around the world to get jobs in the capital .

  26. 韩亚失事客机所用的发动机出自美国普惠公司(PrattWhitney)。技术专家们表示,这些发动机没有发现类似问题。

    The Asiana jet was powered by engines built by Pratt Whitney of the US and technical experts say that no similar issues were found with those engines .

  27. 九月底,全球将会有88个国家发售iPhone4。但是技术专家RobAtkinson说,因为智能手机及其上网的成本高,所以很可能在发展中国家并不能广泛使用。

    But technology expert Rob Atkinson says smartphones will most likely not be widely used in many developing nations because of their cost , and the cost of connected on-line data plans .

  28. 近年来,移动通信技术专家非常重视正交振幅调制(quadratureamplitudemodulation,缩写为QAM)技术,它是根据载波的不同幅度和相位代表不同的编码符号,利用了这样的特点来传递信息。

    Quadrature Amplitude Modulation is a modulation mode which Mobile Communication Technology expert attaches much importance to in recent years . The information is transmitted on the basis of amplitude and phase in QAM . Different amplitude and phase represent different symbol of information .

  29. 赖斯大学的技术专家ChrisBronk和休斯敦公开小组软件公司电脑系统建筑师TroyGattis最近写了一篇社论,建议NASA需要更像一个创新的私营公司。

    Chris Bronk , a technology analyst at Rice University , and Troy Gattis , a computer systems architect with Houston 's Open Teams software company , recently wrote an suggesting NASA needs to be more like an private company .

  30. 罗马尼亚年轻的技术专家莱昂纳德•奥尔班(LeonardOrban)目前是欧盟委员会负责多种语言工作的专员。他表示,中小企业最有可能出现语言技能缺乏的情况。

    Leonard Orban , the young Romanian technocrat now serving as the European commissioner responsible for multilingualism , says small and medium-sized companies are those most likely to suffer from a lack of language skills .