
  • 网络Big Surprise;Shut it Down
  1. 不到三岁的小女孩LaviniaRamirez第一次钢琴演奏会技惊四座,让专家也大跌眼镜。

    But even before she is three years old , Lavinia Ramirez has astounded experts - with her first public performance on piano .

  2. 在短节目比赛结束前,他们的表演很快技惊四座。

    Their performance soon had the crowd on its feet before the short program was over .

  3. 可能每个人都记得他技惊四座的一次投篮是对克里夫兰的那场比赛。

    Probably one of the most remarkable shots that everybody remembers is the shot he made against Cleveland .

  4. 一直以来,欧文的进攻时多么的赏心悦目——不仅仅是他的得分能力,还有那他那技惊四座的控球。

    Irving has always been fun to watch on offense - not his scoring alone but the way that he moves in general .