
  • 网络technology tracking
  1. 基于可视化的三阶段技术跟踪模型及实证研究

    Three-stage technology tracking model of visualization based and case study

  2. 早在2002年,日本的零售商就可以通过GPS技术跟踪销售人员。

    And retailers in Japan have tracked their salespeople with GPS tech since 2002 .

  3. 用原位X射线衍射技术跟踪考察了3种芳杂环聚合物热结构化过程。

    The pyrolytic carbonizing process of three kinds of typical polyimide films was studied by in - situ X - ray diffraction in this paper .

  4. 因此在家蚕基因组研究中,可以通过近等位基因系利用以RAPD为核心的核酸扫描技术跟踪目的基因&sch基因。

    So in genome research , we can use RAPD marker to investigate the purpose gene-sch gene through NIL in silkworm genome research .

  5. 应用时间分辨的傅立叶变换ATR红外光谱技术跟踪乙二醇在以苯乙酸酯化酚醛树脂固化的邻甲酚环氧树脂体系(EPP)的扩散行为。

    A novel experimental approach , based on time-resolved two-dimensional ( 2D ) ATR-FTIR spectroscopy has been used to study glycol diffusion behavior of EPP , which is novolac epoxy resins cured with novolac phenylacetate resin .

  6. 采用柱面等弧长技术跟踪了网壳结构的平衡路径。

    The equilibrium path is traced using the cylindrical arc length technology .

  7. 三菱重工冶金起重机疲劳寿命设计技术跟踪研究

    Study of fatigue life design technology of Mitsubishi metallurgy crane

  8. 同时还免费为用户提供样品试用和技术跟踪服务。

    Also provide users with free trial samples and technical tracking service .

  9. 企业专利技术跟踪与监测的工作机制及模式研究

    Research on Working Mechanism and Mode of Enterprise Patent Technology Scouting & Monitoring

  10. 汽车及零部件涂装技术跟踪研究

    Study on Painting Technology on Automobile and Its Parts

  11. 技术跟踪的信息处理方法研究

    Technology Monitoring : An Approach of Information Process

  12. 应用瞬态瑞利波技术跟踪探测煤层夹矸的变化

    Application of Transient Rayleigh Waves Technique to Follow the Tracks of the Tonstein in Seam

  13. 有些公司给予员工自由,也有些公司使用现代技术跟踪员工们的一举一动。

    Some companies give their workers freedom while others use modern technology to track their every move .

  14. 同步捕获后则通过锁相环技术跟踪长突发的同步变化。

    After attaining synchronization , the phase offset due to frequency offset estimation error is tracked with a phase locked loop .

  15. 数值方法中采用变网格技术跟踪移动界面,通过迭代求解溶质扩散方程和溶质守恒方程计算显微偏析参数。

    The deforming grids technology was applied for tracking the moving interfaces , and the iterative method was applied for resolving diffusion equation and solute balance equation .

  16. 严格按照GB/T13927&1992压力试验标准进行检测合格后出厂,售后技术跟踪服务的配套,使企业质量管理尽善尽美。

    In strict accordance with GB / T13927-1992 pressure test standards for testing after passing the factory , after-sale tracking service supporting technology , so perfect quality management .

  17. 接着修补条纹中心线,采用模板技术跟踪条纹的走向,可求出条纹中心线相对参照平面条纹中心线的相对偏移量。

    After correcting the finge-centerlines and tracking its direction with the template technology , the relative displacement of the fringe-centerlines being relative to the reference fringe-centerlines can be obtained .

  18. 企业竞争情报系统的主要功能包括以下6个方面:环境监视、市场预警、技术跟踪、对手分析、策略制订、信息安全。

    The main functions of Corporation Competitive Intelligence Systems ( CIS ) are environment monitoring , market alarming , technology profile , competitor analysis , strategy making , and information safety .

  19. 近年来,应用数字图像处理技术跟踪动物活动的轨迹并步计算运动距离、速度等运动参数,已成为动物行为自动分析的前沿技术。

    Recently , digital image processing technique has been applied to tracking the position and path of an animal , and also further locomotory parameters such as distance moved , average speed .

  20. 该方法利用动态污点分析技术跟踪程序对不可信数据的处理,通过监视程序中可疑的错误点来追踪输入网络报文中潜在的攻击点,并以此作为模糊测试用例生成的启发式信息。

    DTA is used to trace how the program processes untrustworthy data , and then mine the potential attacking points in the test cases by monitoring potential error points in the program .

  21. 但国产手机企业过分的依赖渠道分销,高端技术跟踪不利,供应链配合不足,品牌形象不如国际品牌。

    Because of the over-dependence on the separate vendition channel , the unbeneficial update of high technology , the inefficient assortment of the supplying chain , the trademark image of domestic mobile phone can not be compared with that of international ones .

  22. 利用电导实验技术跟踪树脂吸附游离酸的行为,讨论了外加盐和乙醇等因素对吸附的影响,利用固-液相互作用方程求取吸附剂-吸附质相互作用能。

    The adsorption of low concentration of free acid by resin was followed by electric conductance method . The effect of the ionic concentration of added salt on adsorption was discussed . The interaction energy between the adsorbent and the adsorbate was obtained by the interaction equation of the solid-liquid .

  23. 针对跟踪器的实时性要求,提出了基于DSP和FPGA技术的跟踪识别系统原理样机的设计方案。

    Aimed at the real-time demand of the system , author has presented an implemented scheme based on DSP and FPGA technology .

  24. 方法:于2001年选取1120例6岁 ̄8岁儿童,225颗乳磨牙,采用ART技术,跟踪随访1年。

    Method 112 children aged from 6 to 8 were tested with their 225 milk tooth and molar in 2001 by Adapting ART technology and followed the tracks for one year .

  25. 部分相关ML算法首先利用子空间分解技术动态跟踪多径信道变化,再实时计算出最佳相关长度用于码元定时和频率偏差估计。

    The partial correlation algorithm tracks maximum multipath length by subspace decomposition and calculates optimal correlation length subsequently for symbol timing and frquency offset estimation .

  26. 此外,尝试了将HOG检测技术用于跟踪上,融合到粒子滤波的跟踪框架中。本文中介绍了现有比较成熟的几种跟踪方法以及各自的适用范围。

    Also it tries to melt the HOG feature plus SVM detection into PF framework . Firstly , several mature tracking methods and their application fields are introduced .

  27. 最后作为该方案的一个应用,本文把所构建的基于RFID技术物品跟踪定位方案应用到连锁超市中,设计与实现了一个具有一定应用价值的基于RFID的连锁超市原型应用系统。

    Finally , as a demonstrative application of the scheme , in this paper , the scheme of the RFID-based goods tracking is applied in Chain-Supermarket , and builds a RFID-based Chain-Supermarket system which has demonstration significance and application value .

  28. 新技术可以跟踪用户的行为,当他们偏离正常操作轨道就会提出警告。这一技术被称为MasterCard(万事达卡?)

    The new technology , called MasterCard , will track users'behaviors and will send out alerts any time the person strays away from their regular A-Space pattern .

  29. 利用电导实验技术,跟踪观察弱酸性树脂吸附低浓度游离碱的行为,研究温度对吸附的影响,测定吸附活化能(Ea)和吸附剂-吸附质相互作用能(U)。

    The behavior of adsorption of low concentration free base by weak acidic resin was followed by conductivity technique . The effect of temperature on adsorption was studied , adsorbed activation energy ( E a ) and interaction energy of adsorbent adsorbate ( U ) were determined .

  30. 通过市场调研与对世界最新技术的跟踪,本文提出了基于MIP、基于ORION协议栈和基于LNS三种开发模式。

    By the market research and the track of up-to-date technology in the world , three development mode that based on MIP , based on ORION protocol stack and based on LNS are put forword in the paper .