
  • 网络ventral pathway
  1. 结果发现:形状知觉仅引起腹侧通路的兴奋;

    The findings were : form perception only activated ventral stream ;

  2. 腹侧通路与背侧通路是视觉加工的两条通路。

    However , the role of the dorsal pathway in reading is complex .

  3. 特定形状的空间位置知觉引起腹侧通路和背侧通路的共同兴奋。

    The visuospatial task combining form perception and spatial localization activated both ventral stream and dorsal stream .

  4. 腹侧通路与背侧通路在词汇阅读中的作用(大路旁的)侧路(通向建筑物等的)。

    The Role of the Ventral and Dorsal Pathway in Reading ; service road ( off a main road , giving access to houses , etc )

  5. 用HRP逆行示踪法证实了大鼠扣带回前部丘脑腹侧基底核投射通路。

    Using HRP labeling techniques , we have demonstrated that there was a direct projection from anterior cingulate cortex to ventrobasal nucleus of the thalamus in the rat brain .