
  1. 结果:所有病例十二指肠横部血管压迹均与腹主动脉相吻合;肠系膜上动脉等血管与该压迹的位置及宽度不符;

    Results : The vascular impression of horizontal part of duodenum corresponded with abdominal aorta , not with superior mesenteric artery .

  2. 腹部电脑断层显示在腹腔内有一个异质性的病灶与腹壁有相黏连。

    Computerized tomography scan revealed a heterogeneous lesion that adhered to the abdominal wall .

  3. 与普通腹主动脉患者相比较而言,高危复杂患者围手术期与随访期内的绝大多数临床疗效指标在统计学方面没有表现出显著性差异。

    Compared with patients with ordinary AAA , almost all index of clinical curative effect for patients with high-risk and complex AAA during perioperative and follow-up period had no statistical significance .

  4. 肌间淋巴管与舌背和舌腹黏膜淋巴管相交通,由此构成完整的舌淋巴管网络结构。

    Lymphatic vessels in the muscular portion communicated with lymphocapillary network of dorsal and ventral mucosa , which made the lymphatic vessels of tongue to be an integrity network structure .

  5. 要领:要用指腹,或双手指腹相叠,力要呈旋转渗透,不要用蛮力或暴力。

    Main point : Rubbing with finger or piled up fingers of both hands , the strength should be revolved and permeated without rough strength and explosive force .