
  • 网络abdominal ganglion;ventral ganglion;celiac ganglia
  1. 腹神经节的NSC聚集成群,主要位于腹面。

    In the abdominal ganglion the NSC assemble in clusters and they situate mainly in the ventral side .

  2. 不同分子结构的取代苯基N-甲氨基甲酸酯类药物对蜚蠊第Ⅵ腹神经节突触传递的影响

    The Effect of Molecular Structure of Substitued phenyl N-carbamates on Synaptic Transmission of the VI Abdominal Ganglion of the Cockroach

  3. 亚洲玉米螟羽化激素基因mRNA只在脑中表达,在咽下神经节、胸神经节、腹神经节等神经组织中检测不到,在非神经组织如中肠、脂肪体和表皮中也不表达。

    RT-PCR analysis showed that the EH mRNA only expressed in the brain , and was not be detected in other neural tissues , such as suboesophageal ganglion , thoracic ganglion , abdominal ganglion , and non-neural tissues , such as midgut , fat body and epidermis .

  4. 川楝素对(虫非)蠊第Ⅵ腹神经节突触传递的阻断作用

    The Toosendanin Induced Blocking Action of Synaptic Transmission in the 6th Abdominal Ganglion of Cockroach , Periplaneta Americana

  5. 胸神经团的食道下神经节、胸神经节和腹神经节由相应的神经细胞和神经髓质组成。

    The sub-esophageal ganglion , the thoracic ganglion and the abdominal ganglion in the thoracic ganglion mass are made up of corresponding neurons and neuropils .

  6. 锯缘青蟹胸神经团由食道下神经节、胸神经节和腹神经节高度愈合而成。

    In the histological studies , the thoracic ganglion mass of Scylla serrata is fused from the sub esophageal ganglion , the thoracic ganglion and the abdominal ganglion .

  7. 背侧不成对中间神经元(DUM)是一类位于多种昆虫腹神经索神经节背侧的神经元,能自发产生内源性超射动作电位。

    The efferent dorsal unpaired median ( DUM ) neurons locate along the dorsal midline of many ganglion of the insect ventral nerve cord .

  8. 腹神经索包括食道下神经节,3对胸神经节和8对腹神经节。

    And the ventral nerve cords located under the ventral of digestive tract , including the suboesophageal ganglion , three pairs of thoracic ganglions and eight pairs of abdominal ganglions .

  9. 前、中、后脑分化明显,腹神经索包括三对胸神经节、五对腹神经节及纵贯各神经节的神经索;

    Ventral nerve-cord consists of three pairs of thoracic ganglia , five pairs of abdominal ganglia and connectives between ganglia .

  10. 腹交感神经系统由位于腹神经索各神经节上的横神经组成。

    The ventral sympathetic nervous system was composed of transverse nerves connected with ganglia .