
  • 网络abdominal abscess;peritoneal abscess
  1. 儿童腹腔脓肿的CT诊断

    CT diagnosis of abdominal abscess in children

  2. 并发症有腹腔脓肿、ARDS、MSOF、肠瘘、胰瘘、切口感染、应激性溃疡、假性囊肿,共20例次。

    The complications , including abdominal abscess , ARDS , MSOF , intestine fistula , pancreatic leak , incision infection , stress ulcer , pseudocyst add up to 20 cases .

  3. 腹腔脓肿的螺旋CT评价

    The Value of Helical CT in Diagnosis of Celiac Abscesses

  4. 腹腔脓肿的CT诊断价值

    The Evaluation of CT Diagnosis of Celiac Abscess

  5. 腹腔脓肿的CT表现

    CT Findings of Celiac Abscess

  6. 方法对2000-2005年间收治的142例CD患者其中合并腹腔脓肿的39例临床资料进行总结分析。

    Methods Clinical data of 39 patients with CD complicated with intra-abdominal abscess from 2000 to 2005 were analyzed retrospectively .

  7. 结果本组CD患者合并腹腔脓肿的总发病率为27.5%,从发病到脓肿形成的时间范围为0-22年,平均5年。

    Results The cumulative incidence of intra-abdominal abscesses was 27.5 % . Of the 39 CD patients with abscess , 61.5 % had surgery the time of present study .

  8. 方法对23例经手术和穿刺针吸证实的腹腔脓肿的CT表现进行分析,急性阑尾炎13例,升结肠穿孔1例,美克尔憩室炎2例,感染源不明确7例。

    Methods Analysis of CT manifestations in 23 cases proved by operation and needle aspiration . Causes : acute appendicitis 13 cases , ascending colon perforation 1 case , Meckel diverticulitis 2 cases , cause obscured 7 cases .

  9. Infliximab治疗难治性克罗恩病并发腹腔脓肿1例

    Intra-abdominal abscess develops during infliximab treatment of refractory Crohn 's disease : a report of one case

  10. EPIC组和对照组及EPVC组术后切口感染或裂开、吻合口瘘、腹腔脓肿或出血、化学性腹膜炎和粘连性肠梗阻等并发症发生;

    Postoperative complications such as incision infection , peritonitis , intestinal adhesion and obstruction in EPIC group and control group were observed respectively .

  11. 盆腔、腹腔脓肿的病原学分析与临床处理

    Pathogenic Analysis of Pelvic and Peritoneal Abscess and Its Clinical Management

  12. 导丝法持续经皮脓肿引流治疗腹腔脓肿51例报告

    Ultrasound-guided continuous percutaneous drainage of intra-abdominal abscesses : reports of 51 cases

  13. 克罗恩病并发腹腔脓肿的临床特征与外科治疗

    Clinical characteristics and surgical treatment of Crohn disease complicated with intra-abdominal abscess

  14. 并发症有腹腔脓肿、胰瘘、胰腺假性囊肿等。

    Complications included fistula , abscess and pseudocyst .

  15. 胃大部切除术后左上腹腔脓肿的X线表现特征及其解剖基础

    X-ray Manifestations of Left Upper Abdominal Abscesses Following Subtotal Gastrectomy and Its Anatomic Basis

  16. 3例同时见腹腔脓肿;

    Cases accompanied abscesses .

  17. 目的:观察腹腔脓肿患者的诊断和治疗结果。

    Objective : To summarize the experience in the diagnosis and treatment of 43 patients with abdominal abscess .

  18. B超引导下经皮置胸腔闭式引流导管治疗腹腔脓肿52例疗效分析

    Percutaneous drainage of 52 patients with intra-abdominal and retroperitoneal abscess with closed thoracic drainage catheter directed by B-ultrasound

  19. 手术后并发症:十二指肠瘘3例,胰漏1例,腹腔脓肿2例。

    Complications : 3 cases of duodenal fistula , 1 case of pancreatic leakage , 2 cases of abdominal abscess .

  20. 方法观察分析我院26例经手术证实的脾切除术后左上腹腔脓肿X线表现,所有病例均作了腹部平片,13例作胃肠钡餐检查,10例作脓腔或窦道造影。

    Methods We retrospectively observed and analyzed the X-ray manifestations of 26 cases of left superior peritoneal abscesses post splenectomy identified surgically .

  21. 结果木后未出现与结肠手术相关的并发症,如结肠漏、腹腔脓肿。

    Results All the petients recovered well after the primary repair , There is no complication , auch as Leakage , intra-abdominal abscess .

  22. 结果急腹症中如腹腔脓肿、中空器官穿孔等,病灶周围网、系膜密度增高,呈索条或网格影;

    Results In acute abdomen , such as abdominal abscess and hollow viscera perforation , the adjacent greater omentum and mesentery showed an increase in density .

  23. 术后并发症:膈下感染3例,肝内脓肿10例,胸腔积液8例,切口感染7例,腹腔脓肿2例。

    Postoperative complications included 3 cases of subphrenic infection , 10 cases of hepatic abscess , 8 cases of pleural hydrops , 7 cases of incisional infection .

  24. 结果:30例全部治愈,切口感染5例,吻合口瘘1例,无腹腔脓肿等并发症发生。

    Result : 30 cases were all cured , 5 cases incision infection , 1 case incision fistula . There 's no abdominal abscess and other complication .

  25. 结果处理组术后肠粘连、腹腔脓肿、伤口感染的发生率显著低于对照组(P<0.05)。

    Results The emergency of intestinal adhesion , abscess and wound infection in treating group was lower than that in control group significantly ( P < 0.05 ) .

  26. 当肝、脾、小肠裂伤后,尽可能多地保留这些组织,提高机体免疫功能,是减少腹腔脓肿及败血症发生的重要措施。

    When liver , spleen and small intestine are injured , these organs should be kept as more as possible , which is an important measure to decrease the abdominal abscess .

  27. 左半结肠、直肠创伤患者术后吻合(或缝合)口瘘及腹腔脓肿发生率分别为3.5%(3/86)和3.5%(3/86)。

    The incidence of postoperative anastomotic leakage and abdominal abscess was 3.5 % ( 3 / 86 ) and 3.5 % ( 3 / 86 ) in patients with left colorectal trauma .

  28. 结果肠源性囊肿3例、肠系膜淋巴管瘤2例、大网膜囊肿3例、囊性畸胎瘤3例、腹腔脓肿2例。

    Results There were 3 cases of enteric cyst , 2 cases of mesentery lymphangioma , 3 cases of greater omental cyst , 3 cases of cystic teratoma , 2 cases of abdominal abscess .

  29. 误诊为腹腔脓肿2例,平滑肌瘤6例,腹腔恶性肿瘤9例。

    On CT , 2 cases were misdiagnosed as abdominal abscess , 6 cases as leiomyoma and 9 cases as abdominal malignancy , with a misdiagnosis rate of 60.71 % ( 17 / 28 ) .

  30. 术后并发症有胆漏15例(29%)、膈下感染23例(45%)、腹腔脓肿2例(04%)和肝衰3例(06%)等。

    The majority of complications were biliary fistulas ( 2 9 % ), subphrenic infection ( 4 5 % ), peritoneal abscesses ( 0 4 % ) and liver failure ( 0 6 % ) .