
  • 网络Linea mediana ventralis
  1. 包块多位于腹正中线、盆底及子宫正前上方;

    The masses were usually at the midline of abdomen , anterior to the uterus of at the base of pelves .

  2. 在注射药物前,大鼠沿腹正中线剪开腹壁,D组显露肝左叶,暴露于磁场中。

    Before drugs were injected intravenously , animals were explored abdominal wall along middle line of abdomen , the left hepatic lobes of animals in D group were exposed , which magnetite were placed on .

  3. 一个有意义的切面超声现象&前腹壁正中线腹膜外带状脂肪沉积

    Paradox of straightness and center ; a significant ultrasonography & the extraperitoneal fat deposit along the midline of the anterior abdominal wall

  4. 本文测量200名(男女各100名)成人的腹前正中线上的各径。腹前壁均无瘢痕和未作过手术的。

    The anterior belly surface in 200 ( men & woman 100 respectively ) adults with no scan and operations was determined .