  • 见"摩挲"

  • 见 "挓挲"

  • 见 "摩挲"
  • 〔摩(mó)~〕抚摸。

[sa ㄙㄚ]
  • 〔摩(mā)~〕用手轻轻按着一下一下地移动。

  • 〔挓~〕张开,如“他~~着手”。

  1. 她不爱摩摩挲挲的。

    She 's not very physical .

  2. 我就喜欢磨挲它。

    I would like to piss it 's rough .

  3. 比那恒久地被海浪摸挲的贝壳还要细腻。

    Smoother than shells continually polished by the sea .

  4. 挲手,说,我有祸了。在杀人的跟前,我的心发昏了。

    For my soul is wearied because of murderers .

  5. 它颈项上??挲的鬃是你给它披上的吗。

    Hast thou clothed his neck with thunder ?

  6. 她翻转双手,让阳光从不同的角度照拂着它们,并且微微抬起头,让脸的另一侧也能感受到阳光的温暖。挲着,手指爱抚地摸着光滑的木头,油漆磨掉的地方木料的质感不同。

    She turns her hands so that the sun may catch them differently , and slightly lifts her head to warm the other side of her face .

  7. 疯狂:如果座狼在卑鄙的戈洛挲克之前被杀死,戈洛挲克将会进入混乱状态,增加75%的伤害输出,提高50%的攻击速度。

    Frenzy : If the warg is killed before Glothrok the Vile , he gains the confused state , increases damage output by75 % and gains a50 % bonus to attack speed .