
  • 网络Abdominal muscle tension;abdominal muscular tension
  1. 复发组病人中放射痛、腹肌紧张和黄疸的发生率分别为48.2%、21.4%和16.1%,显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。

    The incidence of referred pain , abdominal rigidity and jaundice were 48.2 % , 21.4 % and 16.1 % respectively in the recurrent group , much higher than that of the control group .

  2. 腹肌紧张、上腹部压痛、反跳痛、肠鸣音减弱或消失。

    Tension of abdominal muscle , epigastrium tenderness , rebounding pain , and gurgling sound attenuation or disappearance .

  3. 病例:一例2岁女性患儿,病程中表现为腹痛、发热、恶心、呕吐、腹胀、腹肌紧张、肠鸣音减弱、白细胞计数升高,肝功能受损,经术中证实胆道穿孔。

    PATIENT ( S ): A2-year-old female patient , complaining of abdominal pain , fever , nausea , vomiting , abdominal distension , abdominal tension , gurgling sound fading . WBC increasing , liver function damage , and confirmed biliary perforation by intraoperative .

  4. 单因素分析结果显示体温、右上腹肌紧张、胆囊肿大、白细胞计数、胆囊壁厚度、胆囊颈部结石嵌顿、手术时机7个因素与中转开腹率显著相关(P<0.05)。

    Univariate analysis showed that temperature , right upper quadrant tenderness , enlarged gallbladder , leukocyte count , cholecystic wall thickness , stone incarceration in cholecystic neck and timing of operation were significantly correlated with the rate of conversion to open procedure ( P < 0 . 05 ) .