
  1. 但是他不愿加入,让你狠得牙痒痒。

    But that fact that he didn 't want in killed you .

  2. 吴荪甫想起了恨得牙痒痒地。

    It put one 's teeth on edge to think about them !

  3. 看起来他能扮演任何角色,从斯文安静的君子到恨得人牙痒痒的大反派。

    It seems like he can play anything from the polite and quiet to the badass as hell .

  4. 这让我想起我的白痴哥哥姐姐。他们在客厅搭建堡垒却不让我进去,恨得我牙痒痒。

    It reminds me of when my stupid brother and sister would build forts in the living room and wouldn 't let me in . I hated that so much .