
  1. 研究了采用ICP-AES田法测定工业废水中Cr、Ni、Zn、Cu和Cd含量的试验方法。

    N this paper , the method is proposed for the determination of Cr , Ni , Zn , Cu and Cd in industrial waste water by ICP-AES .

  2. 滩田法生产七水硫酸镁

    Production of Magnesium Sulphate by Solar Salt Field

  3. 近年来将秸秆还田与深松作业结合形成的秸秆深施还田法,除具有传统秸秆还田方法的优点之外,还具有提高土壤蓄水能力和提升春季土壤温度的作用。

    In recent years , straw returned combined with subsoiling came to the straw deep application method , in addition to the advantages of traditional straw returned method , also improve soil water storage capacity and enhance the soil temperature in spring .

  4. 基于有限元法与田口法的V形件冲压仿真参数稳健设计

    The Robustness Simulation Parameter Design of V-shape Stamping Process Based on FEM and Taguchi Method

  5. 基于田口法的PBGA器件焊点可靠性分析

    Reliability analysis of PBGA soldered joints based on Taguchi method

  6. 掌握田口法中的一系列方法和工具;

    Master a series of tools and approaches of Taguchi method ;

  7. 基于田口法的产品质量工程优化系统开发

    Development of Quality Engineering Optimization System Based on Taguchi Method

  8. 基于田口法的高速切削参数优化研究与应用

    Research and application of cutting parameters of high-speed machining based on Taguchi method

  9. 通过验证试验确认了田口法在木制品数控加工中应用的有效性。

    The application of Taguchi method in woodwork numerical control processing has been validated by using a confirmation experiment .

  10. 分别用梯度法和马氏田口法对结构的固有频率进行了动力学优化。

    Finally the gradient method and the DOE method is respectively used to do the optimization of the structure natural frequency .

  11. 田纳特法在确定寒区中、小河流生态环境需水量中的修正

    Using the modified Tennant method worked on water demand of ecological environment for middle and small river in high and cold area

  12. 给出了田纳特法的修正表达式,可用于高寒地区中、小河流生态环境需水量的计算。

    The methods and the formulas of this thesis can be used to determine the water demand of ecological environment for middle and small rivers in high and cold area ;

  13. 除此之外,还提出了基于田口法的公差&成本优化设计,利用正交试验设计方法对公差和成本问题进行优化。

    In addition , also it is put forward that the optimization design about tolerance-cost based on taguchi method , to optimize tolerance and cost problems by orthogonal design method .

  14. 采用田口试验法来获取陶瓷球双自转研磨盘研磨方式的最佳工艺参数,以及各参数对研磨指标的贡献率。

    This paper focuses on the application of Taguchi method to optimize the technique parameters to lap ceramic ball .

  15. 采用田牛加权积分法,对正常及高血压病人各30例作了球结膜微循环检查;

    Using the methods of weighting integrate value , observation of bulbar conjunctiva microcirculation has been studied in 30 cases of patients and normal peoples respectively .

  16. 采用培养法和田、盆试验法对不同肥料处理的紫色土氮素矿化作用与作物吸氮效应进行了研究。

    Laboratory incubation , pot and field experiments were adopted to study the nitrogen mineralization and response of crops in purple soils amended With organic or chemical fertilizers .

  17. 北魏在以“六镇”为中心的西北边疆地区实行过垦田,颁布过垦田法,它也是这一地区“府户”的户籍样,后来增添进了“丘井之式”。

    In the period of the North Wei Dynasty , land reclamation was carried out in the northwest border region with the " six towns " as the center and a land reclamation law was promulgated which later became the household register prototype in this region .