
  1. 孟浩然与陶渊明在志趣、追求上有很多的契合和相通之处,他继承了陶渊明田园诗的文化传统,又有所创新。

    Meng Haoran and Tao Yuanming had many interests and pursuits in common , Meng Haoran inherited and created the cultural tradition of Tao Yuanming ′ s pastoral poems .

  2. 第四部分则从林语堂小说创作的四个方面:死亡意蕴、迷人的女性形象、田园式都市文化理想以及“闲谈”文体等来微观阐释林语堂小说的文化意蕴。

    From the dead implication , the charming females , the cultural idea of countryside and city , the style of chat , the fourth part explains the cultural implication of Lin Yutang 's novels .